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new and lost HELP


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Re: new and lost HELP :ok i play alot of hours but only on gp. maybe i just need to concentrate more i have a bad habit of talking to much lol thats is probably why i do better in real money tourneys because no one will talk to me there lol thank you for you help valiant do you play in goalpoker because i am sure i have seen your name there:beer

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Re: new and lost HELP

when you run does it hurt your eyes? if so you need help
No no no no no no no no. Yes. Actaully, they aren't that bad but I was staying at a hotel this weekend and saw myself naked in a full length mirror for the first time in donkeys. My metabolism has slowed down somewhat.
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Re: new and lost HELP

:ok i play alot of hours but only on gp. maybe i just need to concentrate more i have a bad habit of talking to much lol thats is probably why i do better in real money tourneys because no one will talk to me there lol thank you for you help valiant do you play in goalpoker because i am sure i have seen your name there:beer
Well, I play mainly on Sporting odds, but just getting to grips with Goalpoker. :ok Last night I won the World Cup tourney. :D Bearing in mind my wife will be reading this (Pocket Lady), I'd better say there is nothing wrong with talking at the table, but really you should play first and chat second.;) The first step to becoming a better player (again, my opinion) is to play less hands. If you can discipline yourself to play less hands you will find that your chip-stack won't get whittled down quickly. This is called 'tightening up'. Here are a couple of replies in the novice thread that may be useful.
Hi coolhand :welcome from me too.:ok There is not much I could add to Gaf?'s post (though I will ;)). That statement is something that will help you if you remember it when playing. What I mean is you don't suffer any agonies if you get dealt AA do you? You could try playing these suited hands only; AKs-10s, KQs-10s, QJs and Ax (call only a minimum raise-depending on blinds). If you hit the flop you will have a minimum of a reasonably strong pair, and if you're lucky you could be 1 card away (drawing) from either a straight, flush or even royal. Then you decide yourself how for you want to go, and how much you want to pay to stay in the pot. Kx, Qx, J10s, minimum call only (limp) and fold to any raise. If you hit on the flop play as above, but if not do not pay to go any further unless you are drawing to an open straight, and even then consider the cost. This is not ideal, but will help you discipline yourself, and eventually you'll start to lose faith in those Ax and Kx hands which hit only rarely, because even if you flop an A to give you a pair your kicker will lose you a lot of pots, even if you take some. This can be picked to pieces but just a starting point.:ok
coolhand - this may help you a little for starting hand selection - http://www.betfairpromo.com/holdorfold/holdorfold.html (Controlled) Aggression is absolutely essential in Poker - and you should certainly be raising pre flop with a lot more hands than AA!!!
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Re: new and lost HELP

:ok i play alot of hours but only on gp. maybe i just need to concentrate more i have a bad habit of talking to much lol thats is probably why i do better in real money tourneys because no one will talk to me there lol thank you for you help valiant do you play in goalpoker because i am sure i have seen your name there:beer
Most of us play on GP, for our opinions on them please read this http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=24428 although some opinions on there vary depending on which way the wind is blowing or what day of the week it is :rollin
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Re: new and lost HELP

tipper whos carl???
First of all :welcome to the P/L. it has a wealth of information. every where you look. Take your time and browse around. And CARL!!!! Well he is one of the mods with a great sense of humour!! Look in general chat for him .. And as Valiant says help is always here. I started in october. and my game has improved massively reading threads and taking advice from others... So good luck and see you at the tables :hope Kev:ok
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Re: new and lost HELP

Originally Posted by scottsgal you asking me tipper??? if so no only a webcam
I think even He saw that, rolled His eyes and thought,"Not the wisest thing to say to a man desperately trying to re-affirm his masculinity". Isn't that right F-T?;)
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