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Fancy an i-Pod Nano?


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Sporting odds at 1430 (GMT) have a $1 rebuy tourney for an i pod nano.

"Welcome to our i-pod nano giveaway. One i-pod nano fpr every $250 in the prize pool. The remaining funds will be paid to the next 2 places (70% and 30%). Unlimited rebuys and 1 addon for the first hour."
I know its a rebuy, but for a $1 (or 2) it may be worth it. My only concern is that IF the pool doesn't reach $250 do they just payout the prize money?
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Re: Fancy an i-Pod Nano? cruel, so cruel :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry Damo :cheers

Sporting odds at 1430 (GMT) have a $1 rebuy tourney for an i pod nano. I know its a rebuy, but for a $1 (or 2) it may be worth it. My only concern is that IF the pool doesn't reach $250 do they just payout the prize money?
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Re: Fancy an i-Pod Nano? can't see how they can't payout the cash is the requisite $250 is not made? that would be wrong Damo

I know its a rebuy, but for a $1 (or 2) it may be worth it. My only concern is that IF the pool doesn't reach $250 do they just payout the prize money?
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Re: Fancy an i-Pod Nano? No Valium....I think that if the prize pool doesn't reach the $250 needed then no Ipod will be given away. Silly silly boy! And you should fold AA in future. I would enter this for a laugh but i am still in SO limbo edit.........and i stand by my earlier decision that I would have to sleep with Bonnie Langford should the opportunity arise.

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Re: Fancy an i-Pod Nano? I would think they would either give away the i-pod or split the money Not both if the prizepool is below the $250 and I would err on the side of the money being split as someone at sporting can then have the nano for themselves! :tongue2 Damo

Not sure you understand Damo. They've set a value on the i-pod of $250. IF there is a prize pool of say, $199 are they STILL obligated to giveaway an i-pod. After that there is the question of any (remaining?) prize money.
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