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**Poker Thursday 9th March**


**Poker Thursday 9th March**  

  1. 1.

    • 14:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 19:00 Sporting Odds $1000 Raked Hands
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 Sporting Odds Champions League Leg 4
    • 20:00 maxim King of Poker
    • 20:45 Full Tilt WSOP Giveaway
    • 23:30 Checknraise Freeway to Vegas Freeroll
    • 02:30 Checknraise Freeway to Vegas $1 + $1 Rebuy
    • 06:45 Full Tilt WSOP Giveaway

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Re: **Poker Thursday 9th March** The SO raked hands is cancelled GaF, much to my annoyance as I have enough to have qualified for it this week. I asked them if they were going to replace it with anything, to which they replied:

"I can confirm that we will no longer be running this tournament. I can assure there is something being lined up to replace it"
So I asked them what it was and when it was going to start, to which I received (after being ignored once):
"Regrettably there will not be a raked hands based tournament this month. Our poker team hope to have something arranged for April. Please check the site and poker lobby to keep updated."
Helpful as ever.... :eyes
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Re: **Poker Thursday 9th March** Managed to cock it up when I slow played AA and walked into trip 6's for almost all of my stack, but my first win in over a week (not counting the PL league games ;)). I came 4th for $128. Thanks for the pom pom's gazza ;)

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Re: **Poker Thursday 9th March** Went looking for my old avatar (the one before the wooden spoon) and couldn't find it (think I deleted a whole host of stuff by mistake)- so looked for jpg's that were around and LittleWoods had that one..... :D .... think I'll change my name to Tony :lol

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Re: **Poker Thursday 9th March** And well done MrV - it prompted me to enter the 4:00 pm $10 on SO ... but that was a disaster from the start - the SO server fell over ... then went and played a Ladder on Laddies and their performance was atrocious, slow reaction galore for everyone .... howz a guy supposed to make (or lose) any money when the software/system is so crap. Sent an irate email to Laddies..... Is it just me but is the quality of the poker experience getting worse rather than better :@ :@ :@ :wall :wall :wall . Personally I blame the Hungarians (and Margaret Thatcher ... but I blame her for most things) :lol

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Guest gazza271

Re: **Poker Thursday 9th March** My lad pressed a few buttons on the laptop while i was making the babies bottles up, I come back in to find I'm playing a $10 6 seater STT on BlueSquare, Not only that but it's a turbo and I'm down to 1k in chips:( :( BUT AA KK JJ in the space of 5 hands and i managed to win:nana :nana the thing $39 and then the cheeky git asks for a commission:\

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Re: **Poker Thursday 9th March**

My lad pressed a few buttons on the laptop while i was making the babies bottles up, I come back in to find I'm playing a $10 6 seater STT on BlueSquare, Not only that but it's a turbo and I'm down to 1k in chips:( :( BUT AA KK JJ in the space of 5 hands and i managed to win:nana :nana the thing $39 and then the cheeky git asks for a commission:\
A shark in the making me thinks!!!!! :dude :rollin:rollin:rollin
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Guest gazza271

Re: **Poker Thursday 9th March** If your quick betfred have a 1000 space freeroll starting in 15, 904 already in, 1st is entry to the million final i think and 2 - 9 get free entry into one of the $3 sats

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Guest gazza271

Re: **Poker Thursday 9th March**

Thanks mate I'm in.:ok
In my haste to get it posted i think that 1st is actually only a swat in the friday final but hey ho beats paying for it:tongue2
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Re: **Poker Thursday 9th March** In the absence of SO CL, will give the PNL televised MTT a go at 9pm GMT ($10 + $1 on Prima) - anyone else? Mr V's special prize for the first winner is still up for grabs (I believe!!)

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Re: **Poker Thursday 9th March**

Cheers Mr V - am in - interest has really dropped off in this......
78th of 154 at the second break but its hard work against such loose play :eyes Would love to join you in this one GaF so will be tightening right up now and :hope
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Re: **Poker Thursday 9th March** Everything to the fukin chip leader :@ :@ :@. I was sitting nicely on 10k with few more left to the money. I raised half stack with my QQ and chip leader all in. Have to call him, he shows AK and not a big deal to get your card you got dealer bought. Fokin fuming :wall.

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Guest gazza271

Re: **Poker Thursday 9th March** well after my earlier escapade on BlueSq and feeling brave i played another 9 seat $10 turbo and came 1st:nana :nana :nana I then played 2 more and came 1st and 2nd and my account is now rather healthy but stopping now as scared!!!!!!! Not used to playing $10 games and gonna stop while well ahead:)

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Re: **Poker Thursday 9th March** gazza, bluesquare have a promotion in March that if you notch up 2000 Action Points by the end of the month you'll get $10. The catch is, you must enter the bonus code "bsqbonus10mar" BEFORE you start raking up the points. If your playing a $10 STT, you'll get 100 AP's and you'll rake them up in no time. There's also a $25 for 5000 AP's See the website: http://www.bluesq.com/poker/static/latest_promotions.shtml

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