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Online Poker is Fixed!!!!!!


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Online poker is fixed - it must be!!!! There's just no other explanation - what happened is absolutely ubelievable!! I was playing 4 cash tables at laddies and had cards a total of 360 times ...... Aces should come along once every 220 hands - so my expectation was 1.5 times..... But nooooooooo - I didn't get AA once or twice - I got them 6 times ..... what are the chances? and to top it all, I've got AA twice more on the $ challenge!!!!! Absolutely unbelievable ......... must be a fix :tongue2

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Re: Online Poker is Fixed!!!!!!

Online poker is fixed - it must be!!!! There's just no other explanation - what happened is absolutely ubelievable!! I was playing 4 cash tables at laddies and had cards a total of 360 times ...... Aces should come along once every 220 hands - so my expectation was 1.5 times..... But nooooooooo - I didn't get AA once or twice - I got them 6 times ..... what are the chances? and to top it all, I've got AA twice more on the $ challenge!!!!! Absolutely unbelievable ......... must be a fix :tongue2
That many A's in so few hands???? I agree, ABSOLUTELY fixed 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But at least it explains how you win so often.....;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
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Re: Online Poker is Fixed!!!!!! I think you should quit poker now. The laws of probability state that you will not get pocket A's for at least another 1500 hands. That is of course unless you play on SO or VC in which case, carry on as normal where AA's come as regularly as prostitutes punters. :unsure :lol

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Re: Online Poker is Fixed!!!!!!

But at least it explains how you win so often.....;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Dare I admit to having made a loss on all 4 tables despite the help? :$ I'll stick with freerolls till I'm due a few AA again ;)
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Re: Online Poker is Fixed!!!!!! interesting call preflop I thought (not one I would make unless you have a read he was loose?) - and my cards are mucked on that flop - why draw to an 11-1 shot with no guarentee its still winning for you? KQ or KJ or QQ or JJ are reasonable starting hands for the raise preflop and bet on the flop and you are struggling big time Just my thoughts Damo :cheers

Masterplan' date=' you realise you didnt have squat on the flop? right ? it was u who outdrew dawwwgm on the turn... but then again, u had the best hand preflop[/quote']
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Re: Online Poker is Fixed!!!!!! What have I been telling you GaF? Sporting odds in particular is fixed..... And now I have the proof!!!!!!!!!! PROOF I TELL YOU!!!!!!!! Ready? Mr Valium just gave me the number for customer support and it is very suspicious! 08000 727727 A poker phone number almost entirely consisting of 72's??? Proof if ever you needed it

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Re: Online Poker is Fixed!!!!!! both players had been consistently loose raising large amount on mediocre hands,(low suited connectors, q/3 suited k/5 suited) the flop call was a test to see what he'd do on the turn. my poker calculator shows on the turn i was: PLAYER CARDS % Win % Loss % Draw __________________________________________________________ User AC 10C 57.232% 38.048% 4.72% 1 10D KD 19.097% 76.183% 4.72% 2 JS 4S 18.951% 81.049% 0.0% so dont be telling me i wasnt unlucky

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Re: Online Poker is Fixed!!!!!! as I said interesting call unless you have a read on the villians - in which case why not reraise PF? you are only just a fav on the turn vs 2 opponents - one of whom was already all in and you put the other one all in (and rightyly so good bet and good call) - so its not a surprise that one of them outdrew you - the calculator doen't take these situations into consideration - it assumes infinite cash Damo

both players had been consistently loose raising large amount on mediocre hands,(low suited connectors, q/3 suited k/5 suited) the flop call was a test to see what he'd do on the turn. my poker calculator shows on the turn i was: PLAYER CARDS % Win % Loss % Draw __________________________________________________________ User AC 10C 57.232% 38.048% 4.72% 1 10D KD 19.097% 76.183% 4.72% 2 JS 4S 18.951% 81.049% 0.0% so dont be telling me i wasnt unlucky
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Re: Online Poker is Fixed!!!!!! preflop: PLAYER CARDS % Win % Loss % Draw __________________________________________________________ User AC 10C 43.505% 54.87% 1.625% 1 KD 10D 25.007% 73.368% 1.625% 2 JS 4S 29.863% 69.743% 0.394% flop: PLAYER CARDS % Win % Loss % Draw __________________________________________________________ User AC 10C 15.641% 83.243% 1.116% 1 KD 10D 79.145% 19.739% 1.116% 2 JS 4S 4.098% 95.902% 0.0% $7.15 in the pot at my go on the flop. $2 to call wasnt bad pot odds based on their prior play

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Re: Online Poker is Fixed!!!!!! Thanks MP very close PF then - interesting to see how 'not good' A 10 actually is really interesting Damo :cheers

preflop: PLAYER CARDS % Win % Loss % Draw __________________________________________________________ User AC 10C 43.505% 54.87% 1.625% 1 KD 10D 25.007% 73.368% 1.625% 2 JS 4S 29.863% 69.743% 0.394% flop: PLAYER CARDS % Win % Loss % Draw __________________________________________________________ User AC 10C 15.641% 83.243% 1.116% 1 KD 10D 79.145% 19.739% 1.116% 2 JS 4S 4.098% 95.902% 0.0% $7.15 in the pot at my go on the flop. $2 to call wasnt bad pot odds based on their prior play
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Re: Online Poker is Fixed!!!!!! I think what is really interesting is that the 'accepted' weakest hand of J4o is 30% better than K 10o in this match up odd really :) Damo

yeah its basically the same even if theyre against unsuited: PLAYER CARDS % Win % Loss % Draw __________________________________________________________ User AC 10C 50.455% 47.88% 1.665% 1 KD 10H 20.768% 77.567% 1.665% 2 JH 4S 27.112% 72.575% 0.313%
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Re: Online Poker is Fixed!!!!!!

I think what is really interesting is that the 'accepted' weakest hand of J4o is 30% better than K 10o in this match up odd really :) Damo
the j4 has two live cards but the k 10 only has one because masters a 10 has him outkicked ,so he would be a serious dog. due to the odds on a straight or flush being high (only adds about 1 or 2 % to win likelyhood on suited or possible connectors etc pre flop)pairs are pretty much how its calculated and both the a 10 and k 10 have a card less they can hit ,so strange as it seems those odds are correct.:ok its why i play small suited connectors versus a lot of callers ,they usually are taking each others outs away with large cards
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