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STT Advice


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Hi All, From the beginning of 2006, I've finally started taking stats on my poker - and I have worked out that I have been showing a 20% profit on STT's (all either $10 or $20 tables) and that is with a sample of 50 tables. I tend to be pretty tight with my bankroll, so I'm trying to work out if or how I should move up a level. The two obvious ways I'm thinking about doing it are either: a) Moving up financially ($30 or $50 tables) b) Multi-tabling at the same level. I just wanted an opinion on how much difference either of these would probably make to my profit margin - or is it just a case of finding out for myself. Any advice would be much appreciated.

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Re: STT Advice I worked out a simple system which you may wish to try. Play STT's to the value of 10% of your bankroll. If your bankroll is $100 then play $10 STT. If you reach $200 and then play $20 tournaments. If you still make profits and you reach $300 play the $30 STT, if you lose and your bankroll goes down to $200 then go back to the $20.

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Re: STT Advice I would advise having at least 50 buy-ins for any level. 10 buy-ins is not enough IMHO, you lose 5 games on the trot and half your BR is gone, and you will experience at least a 5 game losing streak at some point. Re mutli-tabling - can you do it? if your are playing ultra-tight them I would say you can, it will improve your hourly $ rate as well. Try 2 and see how you get on by dropping a level ($5) first and trying it :). I would step up if you showed at least the same ROI over at least 1000 samples, to be a long term winner at these levels you need to have a ROI of about 25-30% - 50 games not a big enough sample size (sorry). There are some decent threads over at 2+2 about this go here to the FAQ http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=0&Number=2821605&an=0&page=0#Post2821605 (Though I will warn you that if you posted your original question there the response would be less friendly :eyes - too many 2+2'ers are too far up their own :moon 's for their own good) Good luck and keep building your BR :) Damo :cheers

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Re: STT Advice

Play STT's to the value of 10% of your bankroll.
I think 10% of your bankroll is too high. Mr V's 5% is nearer the mark as a maximum but I personally would probably not pay more than 3% of my bankroll on any buy-in.
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Re: STT Advice As you are being a tight player, I can recommend playing the 50 $ stt. You will get 2000 in starting chips, and that really does a world of difference for the patient and tight player. If you are working on making a steady profit, I suggest you stay with the stt's. Mtt's are great fun, and there is a chance for the big win, but your odds are very small. Good luck :clap :clap Penelopeys

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Re: STT Advice Cheers for the advice people - I know 50 games isn't a big enough sample - but I've always made a slight profit on STT's (only to throw away all my gains going for glory in some big MTT's :\ ) - it's only now that I've decided to put figures on it. I think I might try the 3% of my bankroll tactic for a while - which incidentally takes me up a level anyway - or 1.5% on each of two tables if multi-tabling. I'll let you know how it goes.

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Re: STT Advice

I'm doing something similar, but following PL betting's advice of never staking more than 5% of my bankroll on a maximum buy in. :ok
You are right of course, 10% of your bankroll is too much to risk. I was intending to put $20 into a site and play $2 STT until I increased to a higher level and see how high I could go. If I lost lost the $20 I would start again. I got hooked on freerolls and never got around to doing it, now I'm looking at bonus chasing. Poker sure is complicated :eyes
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Re: STT Advice OIC - that makes sense, a small outlay will mean 10% of your BR to play the lowest limits. Re bonuses - I am assuming you have done the boss media (or whatever they are called now) sites? they are the easiest to clear at 5/10c ring games. bet365 used to offer you a $50 sign up as well which I remember was fairly easy to clear, don't know if it is the same Damo

You are right of course, 10% of your bankroll is too much to risk. I was intending to put $20 into a site and play $2 STT until I increased to a higher level and see how high I could go. If I lost lost the $20 I would start again. I got hooked on freerolls and never got around to doing it, now I'm looking at bonus chasing. Poker sure is complicated :eyes
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Re: STT Advice

I would advise having at least 50 buy-ins for any level. 10 buy-ins is not enough IMHO, you lose 5 games on the trot and half your BR is gone, and you will experience at least a 5 game losing streak at some point
This advice is sound, 50 buy ins is the way to go if your looking to take it seriously imo. Bare minimum of 20 buy ins but if you want to ensure of not going broke 50 is more sound. Also 'you will experience a 5 game losing streak at some point' - that is the LEAST you can expect to suffer, thatll happen fairly regularly I would have thought. You can easily go into double figures without making the top 3 in an STT if you play them loads. Outdraw after outdraw, bubble after bubble. You can certainly go so so many without actually winning one.
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Re: STT Advice well yes I didn't want to sound too patronising or pessimistic about what others thought about how many buy-ins you need. My record for no ITM finishes is 24 games at $5 and $10 STT's multitabling 2 at a time, so i went a week without winning a thing, it was the first week in Feb this year after a stonking good January :) MY solution after a week of crap was to play cash games for a fortnight, which helped me get my confidence back and some cash as well :), otherwise I was prolly looking at a 30-40 losing streak instead. Shit happens as they say LOL - best performance - 9 straight wins at the $10 STT's in one glorious afternoon, I couldn't do a thing wrong! Damo :cheers

Also 'you will experience a 5 game losing streak at some point' - that is the LEAST you can expect to suffer, thatll happen fairly regularly I would have thought. You can easily go into double figures without making the top 3 in an STT if you play them loads. Outdraw after outdraw, bubble after bubble. You can certainly go so so many without actually winning one.
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