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SO raked hands


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Can anyone clarify what a raked hand is on sporting odds I thought it was a contribution to the pot, and the pot being over $1 as thats when you can see the raked being taken According to thier latest email its You rake one hand every time - you pay to see the flop on a real cash table - you enter a real cash single table or multi table tournament (freerolls not included) which is slightly different, i checked the web site but could not find any information as usual

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Re: SO raked hands Tried live help to get answer took a while but this is how it ended not sure i believe him im going to try it pistnbrok: "You rake one hand every time - you pay to see the flop on a real cash table - you enter a real cash single table or multi table tournament (freerolls not included)" pistnbrok: your words not mine Sierk: i told you, yes Sierk: 1 raked hand per topurnament and yes you need to pay to see the flop pistnbrok: if i pay to see the flop and the pot is 75c do i get a raked hand pistnbrok: simple question pistnbrok: yes or no Sierk: yes pistnbrok: thanks bye

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Re: SO raked hands interesting am on poker.co.uk limper, me on SB makes up & BB checks - limper bets me and BB fold - no rake taken the rake happens at the end of the betting round (flop, turn & River), so the only time rake is taken is either by everyone checking the flop or a bet and call (and raise/fold I assume) interesting So just by paying appears not to guarentee a raked hand. Someone want to check the same on SO? Damo :cheers EDIT: on a 25c table pot of $3 to a single bet and folds did generate a rake - so pot size is important - ignore my 1st assumption EDIT: MIN pot must be $1 to generate a rake of 5c and I assume a raked hand - been proved 7 limpers, check flop no rake, 3x 10c bets on turn generated 5c rake

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Re: SO raked hands

r u multitabling? Damo
Have not been multitabling but may try it to speed things up, problem is I can't concentrate properly on 2 tables. I'm still not sure about the rake, from what pistonbroke said it appears to be every time you see the flop, raked or not. :unsure
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Re: SO raked hands but if you are chasing your bonus do you need to concentrate that much? limp any Ax, any 2 broadway, any 2 connectors, any 2 suited etc I would only raise with JJ - AA as the muppets call with any old shite so your AK is crap ;) Oh and shove aces if there are limpers/min raisers in front of you, they WILL call :rollin I am assuming u r playing the 10c tables? ignore me if you are not Damo :cheers

Have not been multitabling but may try it to speed things up, problem is I can't concentrate properly on 2 tables. I'm still not sure about the rake, from what pistonbroke said it appears to be every time you see the flop, raked or not. :unsure
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Re: SO raked hands Thought id find out by actually playing a couple of hands leaving the table and asking live help how many i had played then going back and playing a couple of more hands alll on NL 5/10c tables Firstly went on 5 seater played a few hands contributed to pot twice won one @60c then folded a SB to a pot that went to 80c increase in raked hand count Zero went onto a 10 seater played a few more contributed to 2 pots 20c in one then folded, pot got to $1.20 then folded a SB, pot got to about $1.60 increase in raked hands 2 The twat from SO that said you got a raked hand from a pot less that a $1 was lying (which also means the email they sent out was misleading) It seems that all you need to do is contribute to the pot (even a 5c SB) AND the pot must be raked ( at least 1$).

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Re: SO raked hands

It seems that all you need to do is contribute to the pot (even a 5c SB) AND the pot must be raked ( at least 1$).
This is how I understood a raked hand to be on SO. Try the 0.12/0.25c tables - that way you only need 4 players calling to get a raked hand.
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Re: SO raked hands

but if you are chasing your bonus do you need to concentrate that much? limp any Ax, any 2 broadway, any 2 connectors, any 2 suited etc I would only raise with JJ - AA as the muppets call with any old shite so your AK is crap ;) Oh and shove aces if there are limpers/min raisers in front of you, they WILL call :rollin I am assuming u r playing the 10c tables? ignore me if you are not Damo :cheers
Tried 2 tabling and am now up to 54 raked hands. I am not having any enjoyment playing these games, it seems to much like work, will try to finish tomorrow. Thanks for the clarification re the rake pistonbroke, I have been calling with any rubbish to see the flop, wasted cash it seems!
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Re: SO raked hands I would stick with the 10c, you end up with 6 limpers at least so its a raked hand virtually every pot plus you don't risk as much of your BR if it too large and you get to chase some hands for pot odds, where as on the 25c table chasing gets expensive.... Just my thoughts Damo

This is how I understood a raked hand to be on SO. Try the 0.12/0.25c tables - that way you only need 4 players calling to get a raked hand.
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Re: SO raked hands

I would stick with the 10c, you end up with 6 limpers at least so its a raked hand virtually every pot plus you don't risk as much of your BR if it too large and you get to chase some hands for pot odds, where as on the 25c table chasing gets expensive.... Just my thoughts Damo
Fair enough, but against 6 other limpers there's a chance someone will hit to beat you. If you play only good starting hands against 3 others IMO you have a better chance of winning. :)
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