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Sporting Odds March MTT League - Leg 9


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Re: Sporting Odds March MTT League - Leg 9 ack... was doing ok then went out (13th) in 2 hands.. lost most of my stack to gazzas pocket 3's versus my QKs, and then next hand I get my pocket 10's beaten by AJo :( funny old game innit!

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Guest gazza271

Re: Sporting Odds March MTT League - Leg 9 Well played BA :clap Sorry mate but my pocket 3's came good again,they starting to be a lucky hand for me After a dreadful start I'm hoping my last 3 games where i have made the final table on each have helped me limp into the top 6

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Guest gazza271

Re: Sporting Odds March MTT League - Leg 9 Final table tonight and only 4 or 5 of us left, BigAndy raises 10k and we all fold and he shows 72o :lol :lol :lol :lol Very next hand i believe and this happens <a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://img86.imageshack.us/img86/1454/tonights72o1hl.jpg' alt='tonights72o1hl.jpg'>

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Guest gazza271

Re: Sporting Odds March MTT League - Leg 9 Well done Kestral, awesome results :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

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Re: Sporting Odds March MTT League - Leg 9 Thanks guys for all your kind words :$ It's only by joining here and playing against you awesome lot that my game has come on and I've learnt so much, I still can't believe I've won the league..... A special mention goes to Mr V who despite all his electrical problems got a couple of messages to me wishing me all the best:ok I promise I didn't send the boys around to nobble your power lines Mr V ;) Well played tonight everyone and especially gazza, that result really shot you the up the leaderboard - well done:ok It was a great final table, those back to back 72os were a classic :rollin I don't think the other players knew what was happening, one even started to ask if 72os was a monster hand :loon Thanks again guys (and gals)

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Re: Sporting Odds March MTT League - Leg 9 Well done Kestral - wear the avatar with pride, mate. :clap :clap Gazza, 4 final tables in a row!!!:loon I've penned a new sig for you mate :- 'Gazza won, now officially a shark, methinks'. Well done to everyone else in the money and better luck next month to everyone else that took part! :ok And :lol a :lol special :lol mention :lol to :lol Mr V :lol :lol :lol (not laughing, honest) - just :lol put :lol some :lol money :lol in :lol the :lol meter!! :lol :lol :lol :lol TQM

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Re: Sporting Odds March MTT League - Leg 9 :clap :clap Well done Kes:clap :clap Some fantastic play all throughout the tournament. :clap :clap Gazza271:clap :clap An awesome performance in the last 5 games to snatch second. :clap :clap Everyone that took part and made Monaday's and Wednesday's as fun as ever:clap :clap

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Re: Sporting Odds March MTT League - Leg 9

I think there's an error in the calculation if there is a duplicate result. Same happened to me last month' date=' but didn't want to draw attention to my score :$[/quote'] Spot on George - the problem is that I use the RANK command, which gives duplicate scores the same rank - so initially it potentially led to 5 results being counted in a tie - various attempts at fixes have led to another problem ......Hopefully this rather mad line of code now overcomes ALL of the problems!!!! :loon =IF(OR(AP3="",AP3=-1),"",IF(AND((RANK(AP3,$AN3:$AV3)+COUNTIF($BH3:BI3,AP3))
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Re: Sporting Odds March MTT League - Leg 9 Well done Kestral and Gazza for coming from nowhere to land second place :clap Well done to the others in the money, I can't believe Mr V had the audacity to sit it out and still place!! All this rubbish about having no phone line indeed! Better luck to everyone else (and me) next month, wherever we're playing! Cheers DC oh and last but not least, thanks to GAF for sorting it all out yet again - top banana mate!

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Re: Sporting Odds March MTT League - Leg 9 Yeah... shame indeed but I am very happy having done that well! Only been playing 9 months so very chuffed to be 7th...:cow .. in what I think is a very strong group of players. Hope to do better next month and maybe play more games. Hopefully I can build on this and start winning... thanks for the mention shame it wasn't a better result :tongue2 !

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Re: Sporting Odds March MTT League - Leg 9 :ok special thanks to gaf for running this and SO for kindly offering a cash bonus:ok still in shock that i came top 6 from a lot of very good players, heres to next month (soon see if it was a fluke lol):cow p.s. needed that only had $2 left haha

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