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Betfair Poker Grand Prix Final 16th March

Pocket Lady

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Re: Betfair Poker Grand Prix Final 16th March Thanks for the welcome, Yeah I finished second overall. With only the top 5 places paying I'm mainly going for the freebeer and the food and to meet pocket Lady and the free beer. Oh and also the free beer. :cheers :beer (this is about how fast I drink) :gimme hope they have guiness mick

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Re: Betfair Poker Grand Prix Final 16th March

Thanks for the welcome, Yeah I finished second overall. With only the top 5 places paying I'm mainly going for the freebeer and the food and to meet pocket Lady and the free beer. Oh and also the free beer. :cheers :beer (this is about how fast I drink) :gimme hope they have guiness mick
:rollin:rollin:rollin :welcometo Punters Lounge Mick glad you could find us through the blurred vision from all your :beer. Well played tonight :clap:clap Mr V and I will see you in a couple of weeks. (Plus any railbirds that tag along):ok
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Betfair Poker Grand Prix Final 16th March Just got this through; Tournament Structure:

Starting chips will be 5,000. It will be a slow structure timed to commence at 8pm and finish by 11.30pm. The Tournament Director will advise you of the final details when you commence. Your Betfair account will be credited – no money will be awarded on the night.

Food and Beverage:

Finger food will be available for the duration of the event, based on the menu options you will not need to get dinner before you come. Beverages supplied will be both non alcoholic and alcoholic. :beer Don't know whether to concentrate on the poker or the beer:cry Looks like it should reward good play though. Mick:gimme

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Re: Betfair Poker Grand Prix Final 16th March Mick You forgot this: Great news is that due to the number of players – there will be no game starting at 6.30pm for all the 50 point players – everyone will be in the live final – so please arrive at 7.30pm for 8.00pm tournament start. Dress is smart casual. No satellite for those on 50 points - all are through to the final! :cow

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Re: Betfair Poker Grand Prix Final 16th March :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer Anyone got a spare liver they're not using? Mick

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Re: Betfair Poker Grand Prix Final 16th March

Mick You forgot this: Great news is that due to the number of players – there will be no game starting at 6.30pm for all the 50 point players – everyone will be in the live final – so please arrive at 7.30pm for 8.00pm tournament start. Dress is smart casual. No satellite for those on 50 points - all are through to the final! :cow
Gutted ! I accumulated 45 points from 9 qualifiers...If I had played all 10 (I was in the Czech Republic when the very first one was played), I would have been there too....Oh well, the series will soon start again....
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Re: Betfair Poker Grand Prix Final 16th March

Gutted ! I accumulated 45 points from 9 qualifiers...If I had played all 10 (I was in the Czech Republic when the very first one was played)' date=' I would have been there too....Oh well, the series will soon start again....[/quote']We're all in the same boat - hardly anyone played the first one - it was played before the subscription for issue 1 were sent out......Sam only played 8 I think - so she did really well!!!!!!!!
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Re: Betfair Poker Grand Prix Final 16th March

We're all in the same boat - hardly anyone played the first one - it was played before the subscription for issue 1 were sent out......Sam only played 8 I think - so she did really well!!!!!!!!
Good point, GaF... Maybe when the series starts again, we can get a few more PLers through to the final table...I would think its highly likely personally, due to the number of quality players on PL... I certainly fancy my chances a bit more next time round...When this comp started, I would have rated my poker skills / understanding as "F Minus"....I must be at least a "D Plus" now :unsure
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Re: Betfair Poker Grand Prix Final 16th March :$ I know it is late in coming--:$ Only talking to sharpeline on SO challenge about this last night.... Reason did not no sooner we have had a death in the family(wife's grandmother. we buried her yesterday) so i been a little pre occupied with other things.. Sorry for not looking and reading earlier.. So Sam i really wish you well . :hope Just like all the others:notworthy Well played on getting to where you are now in such a short space of time.. And come on gal bring it back ...:ok And Mr V. Have a good time and don't drink to much.. you know like you did at Sandown..:D Good Luck Sam --AKA { PocketLady} Kev and all P/L

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Re: Betfair Poker Grand Prix Final 16th March The poker tourney started at 8pm there was 40 players in total including the 4 Poker Player bounties (our very own Dacey being one of them) and my table was really tight, Starting stacks turned out to be 1500 not the 5000 that we were told and the blinds started at 100/200 - blinds going up every 20 min. There was more folding on this table than the deckchairs on Brighton Beach on a Bank Holiday Monday! I won a large pot after about half an hour with AQ o and was in a good position. Played only a few hands that I ended up folding as I knew I had no chance after the flop and large raises - and at 9.30 with the break after the next hand and the blinds about to rise I was dealt AK spades - I went all in and the table folded all the way round to the BB who called with 2 3 o FFS the flop came out 2 5 Q then rag rag - bloody out- looks like the muppets play muppet poker live aswell as on t'internet.:wall:wall:wall Andy and Paul in the meanwhile were sat at a cash table, which they left to join me in the bar again. We stayed to take advantage of the free bar and cheered on Slick Mick(who tried to drink the bar dry -they ran out of some of the bottled beers :lol) and hopefully we recruited a few new PL members :hope (wronnie who came 2nd place to the Poker Player bounty K_Unknown's 1st place, capcavman, Zemm- a sound bloke) -I admit to "working the room" and passing out all of the PL cards that I had and had to keep going back to Paul for more. :rollin

I think we must have handed out about 200 PL Business cards too! :loon :loon
.......and that was just you under the wiper blades on that Jag! :tongue2 All in all a fantastic night with great company - and good news - at the final Betfair announced that the next Grand Prix will commence on the 24th April - and that the prize would be a lot bigger - so that's one for the PL diary. Thank you all for your: Good Luck cards, emails, pm's, shouts on msn and on the thread - i didn't get to "bring it home to PL" but I managed to bring the PL name to the tourney. :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy
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Re: Betfair Poker Grand Prix Final 16th March :clap :clap Very nice write up there Sam:ok Glad you enjoyed but for {the Fcuking Muppet}.. We all talk about the 7-2os But would we really follow an all-in with it!!! Well done on getting there and lets hope next time its your self and a few others from P/L:hope Kev

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Re: Betfair Poker Grand Prix Final 16th March Like Sam says the changed to the structure were very frustrating and did not allow for good play. I managed to last a bit longer playing tight aggresive poker wiinning lots of small pots but I ended up in 16th after going all in with AJ of clubs against A8 of spades, hit my jack on the flop but with 2 soades turn a blank, river F*****G spade:@ . Should have my pic in the mag though as I was sitting next to POker mag staffers as they went out. And yes I drunk the bar dry of stella first then Budweiser.:beer Great to meet Sam, Andy and Paul too. Mick

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Re: Betfair Poker Grand Prix Final 16th March Unlucky Sam:( ,a colossal effort to get that far though:clap :clap The change to the blind structure is outragous,but by the sounds of the rest of the night they must have known Slick Mick's was coming by reading the earlier thread posts and realised how much money it would have cost em.:lol Still as long as a great night was had by all:clap

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