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Advice sought (again)


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I've bitten the bullet and started playing online for the 1st time today. I've read the advice on here which is as ever very useful. I've been playing STTs for $3 - $10 to get a feel. I've got to the last 2 3 times and this is where I blow it even with a chip lead. I haven't got much idea how to play with 2. What's a good strategy or where can I read up about it. When I've watched it on TV and they've said that so and so is a good heads up player, i've always thought it was boll*cks, but it's a totally different game and I now know what they mean.

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Re: Advice sought (again)

:clap :clap :clap :clap Excellent post as well mate, I remember it now.:D Must have taken 2-3 weeks to type that one.:ok When did you sleep.:zzz
I'd forgotten about it myself :lol ................ i used to be quite good at heads up, but i haven't played any for a long time, since apart from a few freerolls I just play cash tables these days ........................... i'd probably be shit now :lol ................. and yes ............It did take a wee while to type :lol
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Re: Advice sought (again) sigh - why do people post this stuff Pobby - just think about it the answer for a second - do you think people would collude in a 10c stt on vcpoker to win 45c? - would you sit there with a mate for an hour and swap hole card info to win? STT are a great way to learn about poker for minimal risk, go to vcpoker and play for 10c games up and learn about cards and position and making moves - GODD LUCK Swapster I think this is a VERY irresponsible post to a new person asking a reasonable question about game selection. regardless of the ' ;) ' on the end someone might take this as serious Damo :cheers

STTs are rife with collusion. Avoid like the plague. ;)
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Re: Advice sought (again)

Swapster I think this is a VERY irresponsible post to a new person asking a reasonable question about game selection. regardless of the ' ;) ' on the end someone might take this as serious
i truly apologise for my joke. yeah of course theres no collusion on the 10c tables (although I know people who still collude on these for a giggle) but generally I was making the point that if you want to learn poker tourneys properly, get down to a card club or casino, and if there isnt one near, start your own game ! You really cant beat live poker.
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Re: Advice sought (again) i'd also say at that level, eg 10/20c , people have nothing to lose and the play tends to be v.loose, lots of all-ins and not really conducive to learning. If youre gonna play online STTs, start a little higher where the players think twice before shoving all their chips in..

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Re: Advice sought (again) no pob matey - just 'blew off' coz it was a new player thats all (I blame the lack of sleep I am getting - so apologies if I was a little strong) and I agree a game with a few mates is excellent - good fun and you get bragging rights when you win! :) Damo

i truly apologise for my joke. yeah of course theres no collusion on the 10c tables (although I know people who still collude on these for a giggle) but generally I was making the point that if you want to learn poker tourneys properly' date=' get down to a card club or casino, and if there isnt one near, start your own game ! You really cant beat live poker.[/quote']
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Re: Advice sought (again) really? never heard that before....... LOL I bet Danno is wetting himself right now ;) Damo :cheers

a guy at my local pub game has friends who work for Betfair poker - he assures me that on weekends and at busy periods' date=' the Betfair staff tweak the software to throw up more KK, AA etc to keep the action interesting. Remember you never saw me, right ?[/quote']
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Re: Advice sought (again)

i'd also say at that level' date=' eg 10/20c , people have nothing to lose and the play tends to be v.loose, lots of all-ins and not really conducive to learning. If youre gonna play online STTs, start a little higher where the players think twice before shoving all their chips in..[/quote'] Tell you what Swampster, if its Blue Square then the standard isn't actually too bad. The compensation or incentive is you get lots of the half decent players trying to get a cheap entry into the bubble freeroll - I tried it myself and to be honest I enjoyed trying to lose from a winning position. :lol :lol :lol You should try it. You'll be amazed at some of the premium hands you hit when you don't want them. :rollin :rollin :rollin
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