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Player notes


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My questions are directed to those of you who (like me) only play in freerolls and low buy-in (less than $5) MTTs. 1. Do you keep notes on the players you come up against? 2. If yes, do you find this helps you or is play at this level so loose that the notes make no difference? Thanks.

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Re: Player notes I have notes on about 10 players from freerolls, but these were from my first couple of weeks of playing and say nothing more than "good" , "All in Merchant" or "beat me!" I would think notes are good, but the benefit is, IMO, more so at higher stakes. Although, recently I've been playing cash games at SO and have noticed the same names cropping up time and again. Maybe it could be worth me making some notes for that.

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Re: Player notes I started to use notes about 6 months ago and find them usefull. I will make notes on players and then add to the notes, with the date, when I meet them more than once. The reason for that is sometimes you can see a pattern or "tells". It may seem no point for freerolls but if you decide to go for paying MTT's or cash games, chances are you may meet some of the players you have notes on. Then you will have some knowledge before you start. As for making the notes, they don't have to be novels, just enough to jog your memory of your last visit/encounter.

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Re: Player notes Taken from this thread; http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21454&highlight=Sporting+odds

None that I know of mate' date=' but strangely enough the names become [b']infamous/memorable......don't they sharpe1ne? But I'll share my crib sheet with you.;) Telepe: Plays 72o like its pocket rockets. Raises half his chips if the 'total' of his hole cards equals or is close to 21. Still hasn't realised that its not blackjack. SSpeirsey: Owns Sporting Odds. No, he does, really. When he is on your table he plays 1 or 2 hands, then next minute he's on the final table.....every time. My theory is he hacks into Red_Fears account and somehow transfers his chips. laidbackbloke (or laidback3): Did you ever see the episode of WPT when there was an empty seat at the final table? That was when laidbackbloke was sat at home thinking, "You know, I'm sure I'm meant to be doing something today......ah the dentist, that was it" slapdash (or padslash, probably both): Notorious for his multiple accounts. Also for forgetting about half of them, and spends half the evening check-raising himself. His sense of humour is so dry that he has to keep away from open flame. Danny Cash:Arrives at a table, looks at the biggest stack, and then proceeds to go all in every time the big stack calls. Apart from that, and the fact that he is a Middlesboro fan. He is a nice guy. Apparently he is also responsible for splitting up The Stone Roses. Big Andy:Ok Look. You know how there are ironic nicknames? Y'know the witty person who will call Peter Crouch titch? Well forget that. That name fits him perfectly. BIG and 'ANDY. Apparently managed to make Hellmuth shut the fcuk up - for a whole minute. PocketLady:1 in a million. Talented. Wonderful wife and mother. BUT heaven help you if you get to sit on her table, because if she knows that you are from PL, you are as good as out. Has knocked more PLers out than Big Andy. George UK: disconnected sharpe1ne: Uses his scouse wit to pinch your chips when you're not looking. Was asked to join PL by mistake when he managed a flukey appearance on a final table, but miracles do happen. Just ask any Liverpool fans. friskyfitz: PuntersLounges' best player, easliy. (Do you forgive me now mate) HTH:ok
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Re: Player notes

I've got notes on most folk on this forum. Here's a little insight for you:- Mr V - if he raises FOLD. Red_Fear - if he raises I RERAISE - he'll fold!! George - if he raises, take your time so he gets disconnected then RERAISE. :ok :ok :ok
And if it's Danno, then go in with absolutely anything cos he'll get a bad beat. :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
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Re: Player notes

I think it IS worthwhile AND recommended' date=' but I don't. :$[/quote'] Agree totally :ok :$ I have to confess to being the most unobservant poker player going ........ generally I don't spot or observe what my opponents are up to..... I think I get away with it for 2 reasons ....... 1) Playing TAG, the cards largely play themselves - there are seldom tough decisions to be taken....... 2) Pokertracker gives me live stats on players at my table, so I can get a feel from this - negating to an extent the need for notes. As an aside - notes are stored locally and not by the poker room - pokertracker has the ability to create the files for notes on players, based on filters/stats :ok
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