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Watch out for these on tonight's safety net


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Re: Watch out for these on tonight's safety net Just went out of safety net to a real twat, and one of henieks friends by the the looks of it. Got 9s 10s on BB. First to act raises to 150. everyone folds to me. As I haven't played a single hand yet, decide to call. Flop comes 239. I bet 300, he calls. 4th - 3. I bet 600, he calls. River - K. I put himi all-in for another 275. obviously he calls. He has AK. WHAT A TWAT, CHASING WITH ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, AND DIDN'T EVEN THINK TWICE ABOUT IT.

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Re: Watch out for these on tonight's safety net

Just went out of safety net to a real twat, and one of henieks friends by the the looks of it. Got 9s 10s on BB. First to act raises to 150. everyone folds to me. As I haven't played a single hand yet, decide to call. Flop comes 239. I bet 300, he calls. 4th - 3. I bet 600, he calls. River - K. I put himi all-in for another 275. obviously he calls. He has AK. WHAT A TWAT, CHASING WITH ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, AND DIDN'T EVEN THINK TWICE ABOUT IT.
Why was he from Kent?
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Re: Watch out for these on tonight's safety net Pro, first of all, just because he was Polish it doesnt mean he was my friend ;). Second Im really surprised at your reaction. Was that your first time in Safety? Im sure not, and you should know by now, this a the tourney with the worst standard of poker of all of them and that was just an example. Idiots like this one are plenty around especially on SO. Its a freeroll and you see people going all in with 107 called by 93. Chill out, you wont see that sort of play in Dollar up :ok.

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Re: Watch out for these on tonight's safety net Sorry Heniek, didn't mean anything against you personally, just got the impression you knew him. I know what freerolls are like, they're all the same no matter what site they are on. I just wish that once, JUST ONCE, justice would be done and someone (me) who plays good poker can get somewhere. Yes, I know a lot of good players do get results, but when is it going to be my turn????

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Re: Watch out for these on tonight's safety net :@ :@ :@ Ok Pro, how about this. I just went out of Booster. I have K8 flop 864. I know its bad, but dont wanna sit there forever and go all in. 1 call with Q7. WTF????????????? Now , he catches his 5 on the turn and thats it. I call him fukin retard (he was Welsh) and 3 English jump in his defence and calling me all of sorts. Bunch of stupid cnuts :puke.

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Re: Watch out for these on tonight's safety net

They probably didn't realize he was Welsh.
:rollin Sorry, I didnt mean to offend any Welsh people. Just to show its not only Hungs or Poles play stupid. Still that was worse play than in Pros hand. Pro, no offense taken. I know you are very serious player and you want to play proper poker all the time, but you wont get that in any freerolls. TBH I dont care how those idiots play in freerolls, even when I lose to them. At the end of the day, I always take their money on cash tables :ok.
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Re: Watch out for these on tonight's safety net Hey Pro i was playing on same table as that lazso in your screeshot and put him out.:rollin Then i get moved to another table and there he is again :eek . I told him i just put him out and here he is sitting on 30+k. He told me he had 3 usernames:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin .Yeah right more like 33. Well needless to say i told him he was a cheat and a lot of complaints are being made about him and the others. He never spoke to me again. Just finished SO in 19th out 900 for the grand sum of $2.05 woohoo

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Re: Watch out for these on tonight's safety net Ok, just sent this email to SO support together with all the above screenshots. I'll let you know if I hear anything. --------------------------------------------------------- I took a number of screenshots of some of todays entries for the Safety Net at 19:00. Can you please tell me what you are doing about these cheats who have multiple accounts???? This has been going on for some time and no one seems to be doing anything. If it not an Supporting Odds Poker problem, then it is a Boss Media network problem, but you, as my support contact MUST do something about it, either by banning the users/IP addresses, or making sure that Boss Media support do it. I hope I don't see the same tomorrow evening. And I hope you are goingto be more proactive in the future, ratherthan me and others like me having to do your work for you. If you don't, I'm sure you will lose a lot of customers and there are many of us who feel the same way. --------------------------------------------------------- Damn - just remembered, I have $60 in there just about. Better go withdraw it before I lose it.

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Re: Watch out for these on tonight's safety net Finally got a response, but it didn't say much, so I've replied again (my reply first, so read their reply before mine)... ------------------------------------------------- Responded to whom? This has not clarrified the situation at all; you have not said what you have done about the cheats. The way I see it you haven't done anything because it probably isn't in your interest to. M Kontic

To: Subject:
[VMJ-60896]: Cheating
Fri, 17 Feb 2006 02:53:07 GMT
>====== Please reply above this line ====== >Cheating > >Dear xxx > >Thank you for the email regarding your poker account. > >In response to your query as we take this type of activity very seriously and we can confirm this was forwarded to our fraud and security department where they investigated this issue thoroughly and responded accordingly. > >We hope this clarifies the situation, however if you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us. > >Kind Regards, ------------------------------------------------------------ I can see a ban coming on from SO... but who gives a damn, there's plenty more and better sites.
:moon to SO!

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Re: Watch out for these on tonight's safety net I've had this reponse back from SO. ------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for the email regarding your poker account. We can confirm that action has been taken against the player's in question. The matter has now been resolved. May I take it upon myself to thank you for your patience and valuble information. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind Regards, ------------------------------------------------------------ I've still got the screenshots (as we all have I guess) and will check them out next time I play. Case 1 nearly closed. Just now finishing off the case of the changed Date of Birth (see the Unreserved Apology thread).

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