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think ineed a break from poker


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yesterday i taken some of your advice on how to play the software so i went on betfair with $45 playing 50/$1 cash games. i was playing a good tight game and was confident, i got up to $120 in first hour on a loose table. then i get pkt kings on the button there was a raise in mid position with $3 so i reraise preflop $7 which he calls flop comes 9 q 9 he checks i bet $12 he calls, turn card j he checks i go all in to get him off the pot he call with aq which put a smile on my face only for the river to bring a ace and give him 2 pair i was :puke !!!!!!!!! then worse with about $40 left and on tilt i av ak suited a guy raises so i reraise he gos all in i call in a flash only for him to have 67suited flop comes a 3 k i av to pair turn 6 river 6 iseen the 6 fly past my window i just knew it was comin. that night i couldnt sleep cause i didnt play bad just got outplayed by bad players. TIME TO GO BACK TO THE BOOKS!!!!!!:wall

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Re: think ineed a break from poker didnt do a lot wrong there sherry ,one thing i would say is once youv'e trebled your money sometimes its better to leave table ,especially after bein on there for that long, others will start to read your play and also your leaving your whole stack up for grabs .i tend to bank my winnings once ive made a good profit then restart at original entry leaving myself less open to a big loss on a bad beat.

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Re: think ineed a break from poker I feel your pain mate. My poker career has taken a nose dive recently and its down to bad beats (although i've no doubt theres been mistakes on my part along the way too) It makes you sick. The amount of times I have been ahead going into flops and getting done on the turn and river is unbelievable. It's got to the stage that I now laugh out loud when the expected river comes up to knock me out. Never mind, you just dust yourself off and keep plugging away! :\

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Re: think ineed a break from poker Agree totally with Norfolk .....if you're playing tight - and waiting waiting waiting ..... when you do hit your hand, you're limiting your potential winnings ..... so you're not getting your payoff ....... I've come to the conclusion from watching others that there are good (profitable) ways of playing with short stacks (though I haven't tried it!!) - but it certainly isn't TAG!!! I top up my bank after every hand where I drop below the maximum buy in - including after every blind.... (which confused rednutt yesterday when I went ages without seemingly losing anything!!!!)

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Re: think ineed a break from poker got to agree here - u are just the sort of player I look for - your buy in isn't enough, so if it becomes apparent you are a TAG, you are easy to bet and raise off pots as you are thinking I can't make a mistake as my BR disapperas! and if you do call I still have outs to hit, and I know that you can't do massive damage to my stack as I have bought in for the max suggest you drop down to 25/50, that way you have closer to 100BB rather than 40 just a thought Damo ps re the post about cashing out - why? if u are winning and have a decent stack then play it - plus it gives others a reason to think as you could have all their money and you MUST be a winning player to get so much cash - its great to psych players with :) YMMV of course

Maybe I read this wrong....you need a break because you lost $45 on a $0.50/$1 table? Surely that is a relatively small amount to lose - what is your bankroll? and why are you sitting down on a $0.50/$1 table with only $45?
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Re: think ineed a break from poker Hi Sherry, Let me state up front that I don't play NL ring games as they don't suit the quality or style of my play (or should that be lack of quality/style :rollin ). So feel free to take my post with a pinch of salt. IMHO, NL Ring games need deep pockets and nerves of steel (or a profit history that has you so far in front that a series of losses is just a blip, mind you when does a blip turn into a disaster :\ ) ! As I understand it .... losing your original stake ($45) is not a rare event and you should have several (10?) of these in reserve to cope with the swings that you might expect to see in your quest for overall profit. By the sounds of the advice here (I defer to the experts :notworthy :notworthy ) you should enter the $.5/1 game with $100 and really have $1000 in the kitty to start playing a series of these games. If your game and strategy is a profitable one then the $1000 will buffer you against the possibilty of starting with a large downward swing. Over time (if you are good enough) then the overall profit/loss curve should be upwards and the worry about a sequence of losses and bad beats becomes less. If you lose the whole of your buffer then you take it as proof that your game is not of the quality and/or style that suits the format. If you are truly thinking of taking a break (I've taken several breaks in the past) then might I suggest that you revert to freerolls and cheapo value games where you can test out other strategies, although STTs and MTTs have several strategic differences to NL ring games, but the risk of loss is fairly negligible for any reasonable player. If you cant make a profit at freerolls and cheapo value games then you definitely shouldn't be playing NL ring games. Remember - a key aspect of poker is finding out (as cheaply as possible) where you fit into the food chain :lol :cheers

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Re: think ineed a break from poker suggested BR for NL games (courtesy of 2+2) Damo :cheers Q: What's the proper bankroll for each limit? A: General consensus is that a player should keep at least 20 buyins for each limit he's playing. Excluding poor beginner play, bad bankroll management is the biggest reason that new players go bust. Do yourself a favor and only play in games you can afford. $0.01/$0.02 | Needed: $40 ($100 on Stars) $0.05/$0.10 | Needed: $200 $0.10/$0.25 | Needed: $500 $0.25/$0.50 | Needed: $1000 $0.50/$1.00 | Needed: $2000 $1.00/$2.00 | Needed: $4000 $2.00/$4.00 | Needed: $8000

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Re: think ineed a break from poker Nice posts guys :clap :clap Just to emphasize - a big bankroll will see you through peaks and troughs - I've little idea how you play, but a big bankroll won't change a losing player into a winning player (and most internet players are losing players - can't remember the percentage - about 70%?) - if you do go in with a big bankroll, be confident (i.e. make sure you have proved to yourself before) that you are a winning player and not a losing player - or a bigger bankroll will just lead to bigger losses!!!!! Without knowing the level of your game - go to the "All New Poker News and Beginners Guide" sticky in this Poker forum - there are a couple of articles recommending how you should progress your poker career - to eventually hit ring games, without risking your own money - but it's a long journey!!

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Re: think ineed a break from poker its not the money that bothers me i go in with $45 cause i like to play shortstacked if i start with the $100 bankroll i tend to play average hands and lose on them but thats my own fault for playin the trash. why i said i need a break is because of the bad beats, only yesterday im playin a 15p/25p cash game i start with maximum £25 3rd hand i get pkt 3s in late position and only av to call a £1 raise flop comes 388 makes me full house the guy gos all in and all i can put him on is an over pair!! he only has pkt 8s 4 of a kind:@ . im playing a good game but gettin busted out by a bad beat everytime i really lose a hand. its hard times mates

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Re: think ineed a break from poker if he had pocket 8's v your pocket 3's then it wasn't a bad beat........ not at any point were you ahead........ but you may wish to contribute to the fixed posts that damo loves as it could be that the site gave you the hand with which you would spend all you money with no chance of winning. danno the jubilant...( just came second in a $20 mtt....$300)

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Re: think ineed a break from poker

If you cant make a profit at freerolls and cheapo value games then you definitely shouldn't be playing NL ring games.
Am I the only one making a loss on the freerolls? :rollin And how many of you remember the freerolls on littlewoods... that used to cost about 40p, then went up to 67p :rollin . I actually made money on those with a 2nd and a 3rd position for £40 and £20 respwectively. they were good value as there were generally no more than 100 players playing. Sherry - I do sympathise... more than most of the other PL'ers here. I think I genereally play a pretty decent game and keep getting outdrawn on the 4th and/or river, but if I say anything then one or two people take it as constant moaning. And the reason why we remember the bad beats... because we have nightmares for a few days and nights after. My personal view (for what it's worth) is that you are doing the right thing. And I don't agree with having a huge bankroll. If you have $1000 to put into an internet poker account, then I would suggest finding something better to do with it. If you want to put it into poker, you are far better off going to a casino and playing a live game (tournament rather than cash game), minimum £20 buy-in as anything less and you still see the same crap play as on the internet. Not to say that you won't get bad beats in a live game, but it just doesn't seem to happen quite as often, probably because players have a little more respect for the money they have. Play is a little looser during buy-in time, but after that, it is generally good poker. You can if you wish put it into a cash game, but be careful... it's very easy to lose everything in one night; at least with tournaments the loss is limited and gives you another go next time. I'm no expert, but having reached 9 final tables in my first 20 starts in live tournaments and won about £4500, I know what my choice would be. And as for the 'betfair setup', I totally agree, but let's not go into that ;)
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