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Rugby League - Bradford vs West Tigers

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Re: Rugby League - Bradford vs West Tigers

rugbylad' date=' I'm up for the Grand final.[/quote'] :nana :nana :nana Nice one kevshat Well what a first half!!! The Bulls have looked very strong, the Wests are not to be ruled out yet!! But they are getting out muscled in every department!! A special mention should go to Stu Fielden, what a sensational half, did you see his try :loon !! The guy is simply awesome and would walk into any NRL club, no problem!! As an ex forward it warms my heart to see all the praise go to him! Enjoy the second half folks!!
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Re: Rugby League - Bradford vs West Tigers Got it completely wrong tonight.... I thought the Wests would turn up, but no, they were poor in defence, attack, from the scum, 2nd phase play, kicking, I could go on.....I would go even so far as saying I have never seen as NRL team play so poorly in the World Club Champs..... Take nothing away from Bradford....They have proved me, and many more, wrong this evening!!!

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Re: Rugby League - Bradford vs West Tigers

Didn't see the game but Judging by the score wests were a big dissapointment. I still doubt Bradford will do anything special over the course of the season. At least the unders came in to rescue some stake:)
I'm not so sure you know. I thought the loss of Peacock and Pryce would be too big to fill but they looked very good tonight, admittedly against a poor side but you got the feeling that there were loads more gears in them. Before tonight I was Saints all the way but having seen that if Bradford keeps Hape and Vainikolo fit all season I don't think even Saints will stop them.
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