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Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 6


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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 6 well done Runadrum, top stuff mate, I managed to catch the crucial last few hands after being unable to log in to SO for an hour for some unknown reason:eyes . Well done again PL. :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana I can go to bed happy now :ok

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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 6 Thanks everyone - really cannot believe what happened there. Was playing like a complete coward and still doing so when heads-up, until he showed a couple of bluffs and I saw red ! First time even in the money in the dollar up - definitely about time :drums Well done to pene and jolly :clap :clap

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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 6

Thanks everyone - really cannot believe what happened there. Was playing like a complete coward and still doing so when heads-up, until he showed a couple of bluffs and I saw red ! First time even in the money in the dollar up - definitely about time :drums Well done to pene and jolly :clap :clap
Thanks Runadrum :D , well played :clap
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 6 Well played all money winners and congratulations to the champ Run :clap :clap :clap. Have to say once again great come back Run. Saw you hoovering on the last place with 3k in final 20. Then I missed one or two hands and you are on 15k :eek. You must have kick some ass goooood :ok.

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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 6 Well done to everyone that made the money! :clap :clap I would have logged in to watch but Sporting Odds was misbehaving last night and I ended up doing a 'George'. :cry A special mention to Runadrum - well done mate!! :ok Wooden Spoon, my arse! :rollin (as Jim Royle would say) Another mention to Red_Fear who was leading on $27,000 with around 27 players left and must have hit top form to finish in 19th place! :loon

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