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Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 5


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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 5 15 PL in the last 45 - one in three - and I thought this was looking a bad night .... :loon If Pene gets 11th, she matches Mr V at the top - any better and she goes top (assuming noone else in the frame :unsure

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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 5

yeah GaF for god's sake make an effort man and start putting the table up more regularly!! :lol
wonder if SO have some sort of API that you can call to get table info from (XML feed or something). Could automate the table then which would be cool ;)
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 5

wonder if SO have some sort of API that you can call to get table info from (XML feed or something). Could automate the table then which would be cool ;)
Have emailed Boss before - they didn't even reply to me!!!! Might try again - however also starting to think it may be time to hit the road again with this tourney - will open a discussion later....... Have lost MoFace and Uber, but still 12 PL in last 33
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 5

on goal poker' date=' you can set up groups and only let people in using a password....you wouldnt get the benefit of added money, but it would be all PL only and a fairer league?[/quote'] Intention is to get a PL exclusive league set up - and there are a few ideas floating around :ok Have to be honest though, has been on the back burner a bit recently :$ - but we will get it sorted :ok However, I think it's a different style tourney that can run in tandem with an MTT tourney..... EDIT However this isn't the right thread to discuss it - will open the discussion in it's own thread later :ok
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 5 well out now in 32nd.. need sleep after last nights game started at midnight finished at 5.30am..still won $100.. had a good stack flop is QAK i got KQ i put Morlspin allin i still have 1600 left he turns ove AQ OUCH :wall .. Earlier in the game flop As Ks X 4s some one puts me all in after i already put in 6k i bottle it they only turn over pocket JJ.. will never know what the river would have brought i folded an A. I think i made the right choice Good luck all thats left:ok

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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 5 For ****s sake. My sporting odds software is a joke. Everytime something important happens like a break, or I am moved tables I have to shit down the poker.exes within windows cos it stalls and have to restart again. I was short stacked just before break and facing BB. so i wasn't even there and got folded. **** sake :@ :@ :@ Rant over.... iv'e just won 2 all ins with 83 and q2 lol! :rollin

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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 5

well out now in 32nd.. need sleep after last nights game started at midnight finished at 5.30am..still won $100.. had a good stack flop is QAK i got KQ i put Morlspin allin i still have 1600 left he turns ove AQ OUCH :wall .. Earlier in the game flop As Ks X 4s some one puts me all in after i already put in 6k i bottle it they only turn over pocket JJ.. will never know what the river would have brought i folded an A. I think i made the right choice Good luck all thats left:ok
Sorry mate, we were just unlucky to get hands like that at the same time, and without other callers, well played tho!
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