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Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 5


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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 5

And I'm soon to follow because I can't be bothered with this crap. I just put in a bet with A' date=' K and J on board, and a twat with J4 in his hand called and hit a J on river. DOES NO ONE UNDERSTAND THAT J4 IS A CRAP HAND ANY TIME, LET ALONE WHEN THERE ARE 2 OVERCARDS ON BOARD![/quote'] I have to agree with ThePro on this one - the standard has went well down in this tourney and there now appears to be a number of muppets, which sounds good in theory but they always seem to hit the required cards. :( I'm still doing well at other sites but its a real struggle at sportingodds these days. :wall I'll be back on Monday though - it's only a dollar and I always enjoy the banter with Mr V and Sharpe!! :dude Good luck to the rest of you! :ok
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 5

I just remembered why i stopped playing this :lol ...................... out to someone who called 2 people all-in on the flop chasing a flush with K3 diamonds .............................. which of course they made :cry
and it wasnt me before anyone asks lol
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 5 Another poor performance from me.:cry Was going fine until I made a big raise with 72o (as you do) and was called. No luck on the flop and lost half my stack. Made a spirited fightback, before running up against pocket Aces with my top pair Kings.:wall I've forgotten what it's like to see the break now!:rollin Paul

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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 5

whats the highlighted ones thought that was whos left but doesnt add up to 17?
The ones with a chip count other than 0 are still left (the chip counts are as at last break - not at the moment)
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 5 Had nothing for over an hour bar seeing more 3's than a mobile phone supplier.Even after noting down my cards I never hit a flop and never had a picture card until i got Q 10 so I chucked it all in to be called by a pair o fives that held up.So next hand a pair o 5s, all in again and an Ace chancer calls me(lol mo) he had to cos there was no real cost to go in on his hand so on the flop we get the ace.Still lasted for a decent bit.Gl all Pler's who are left.

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