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Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 3


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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 3

out.........played like a muppet on drugs :wall
What you played like me then.Can't concentrate cos i'm full of em.Sorry Brael for kicking you off your pocket queens with my lovely 8 7 but i told you there would be some erratic play;) Gonna crawl up to bed and lie down the rooms getting all dizzy and i can see smiley trailers. Gl all.:ok
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 3 Hand #199910607 at table: Dollar Up Started: Wed Feb 08 21:53:59 2006 Galamb is at seat 1 with 1335.00 Benbrus is at seat 2 with 3215.00 Higgs23pl is at seat 3 with 3595.00 paulross is at seat 4 with 1356.00 vasyl13 is at seat 5 with 2425.00 georgio233 is at seat 6 with 4276.00 Jozeph is at seat 7 with 0.00 Ra1nmaker is at seat 8 with 1204.00 Ice Baby is at seat 9 with 2770.00 Bull1t is at seat 10 with 1050.00 Ra1nmaker posts the large blind 150.00 Jozeph posts the small blind 75.00 Jozeph: --, -- Ra1nmaker: --, -- Ice Baby: --, -- Bull1t: --, -- Galamb: --, -- Benbrus: --, -- Higgs23pl: As, 10h paulross: --, -- vasyl13: --, -- georgio233: --, -- Pre-flop: Ice Baby: Fold Bull1t: Fold Galamb: Fold Benbrus: Fold Higgs23pl: Call 150.00 paulross: Call 150.00 vasyl13: Call 150.00 georgio233: Fold Ra1nmaker: Check Flop (Board: Kd, Qd, Js): :nana Ra1nmaker: Check Higgs23pl: Bet 150.00 paulross: All in vasyl13: Call 1206.00 Ra1nmaker: Fold Higgs23pl: Raise 3162.00 vasyl13: All in Showdown: Higgs23pl shows: As, 10h (ace high straight) paulross shows: Ac, Ks (a pair of Kings) vasyl13 shows: Jc, Qc (two pair, Queens and Jacks) Jozeph shows: Qh, 5c (a pair of Queens) Turn (Board: Kd, Qd, Js, 7d): River (Board: Kd, Qd, Js, 7d, 2h): Sidepot 3: Higgs23pl wins the pot of 2138 with ace high straight Sidepot 2: Higgs23pl wins the pot of 4210 with ace high straight Mainpot: Higgs23pl wins the pot of 10 with ace high straight (0.00 rake were taken for this hand) :cow :cow :cow

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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 3 N1 Mr V Damo

Hand #199910607 at table: Dollar Up Started: Wed Feb 08 21:53:59 2006 Sidepot 3: Higgs23pl wins the pot of 2138 with ace high straight Sidepot 2: Higgs23pl wins the pot of 4210 with ace high straight Mainpot: Higgs23pl wins the pot of 10 with ace high straight
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 3

and had A 10 again 2 hands later, called an all in. KQ. Flop inc. K :wall Turn - A :ok River - K :puke
yeah, unlucky that mr V. I think the red wine might get the better of me tonight though! A lot more potent than I anticipated* :beer :beer :puke * you have no idea how many times I typed that just! :$
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