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Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1


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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1 Out in 290th (feel like that anyway) hit pocket 10's on SB and 2 linpers paying $300 - decided to take the pot there and then with all-in. :ok One of the limpers called me with A A - not good enough to spot that I'm afraid!! :cry Good luck everyone still in - I'll be along later to put the final table on til......I mean support all PL's left! :rollin

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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1

ul to run into quads, but maybe worth not calling with K7o next time? (even from a middle/late position) and also what can the villain have with their shove that you can beat? only a smaller PP - tricky I know when you are in that position with the FH Damo
Thanks Damo. I've calmed down now! :D Quads never crossed my mind, all I could see was my full house. Ah well, all more experience. My quest to avoid the wooden spoon starts well! :lol GL to all those still in. :ok
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1 Disconnected at the wrong time and lost my blinds before i could get back in. Allin 600 with AJ called by QJ Flop 45T turn Q river Q :( wasn't too bad pre break - only 5 or so disconnects, then i can barely get to the table. Och well, relying on the others for the win this time :ok

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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1

Brael - why do you have the same avatar as Danny Cash? Is it one of the forum's?
Didn't realise Danny had changed his too! I just put 'muppet avatar' into Google and bingo! There they were. Thought this one summed me up nicely!! :lol
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1 LOL - just enjoy it and don't get bullied - pick your spot and if you like your hand then PLAY it- u will need some luck to make the FT, let alone win it :D GOOD LUCK Damo

never got so far in a tournament..... feeling quite nervous I must admit :o
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1 heh, not too bad.. Survived an all-in call with A8 then get busted out with AK. Was pleased to get in the money and I thought that if I get there then I would try to double up at the first decent hand I got... unfortunately not to be this time :) Finished 18th for $6.77

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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1 Can't belive as soon as i finshed that hand Disconned for the 1st time and i was OUT of the game.Only wanted Elmcroft to call as I knew i had him beat or the same hand but hey ho another calls to make his full house of Kings and Jacks ,and i'm blowing bubbles.WP to all and to all a good night.Gonna go and watch the vid of Rovers spankin Man U's butts.Well done Morl and Blade for your 1st times Fantasic.

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