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Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1


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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1 LOL there's confidence in your play :loon :loon :loon Nice one Pro :D Damo

Just got back from my meeting... in time for the first break! Good news is that I've only lost 400 chips. Would have probably lost way more than that if I'd have been playing.
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1 UL rich - tho can't balme him for calling for only another 450 Damo

elmscroft to my left, no hands to play for ages all in with 600 chips with AQ called by A7 in the bb he hits a straight on the river. last hand before break aswell, i think id get further if i just sat out.
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1 Hand in question for discussion... bloody SO (lack of any decent) hand history means I'm doing it from memory! (Obviously, Pro, please correct any glaring errors here!) I have AdTd, blinds 100/200. I'm on around 1500 chips, Pro is on 1100. I'm in early/mid-position, raise 600, Pro (can't remember if he was in late position or one of the blinds) goes all in with a pocket pair (99?). Pot is now at 2000. I throw in the 500 needed to call him and luckily hit an A. Thoughts? Apart from how bad my bloody memory is for forgetting most of a hand which happened about 9 mins ago!!

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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1 and after i posted this i looked up and seen k/k... good example of the muppetry at my table... i raise to 1200 after all in caller calls...he will call. another bloke re raises to 2400. the 2 limpers ..calling station 1 and calling station 2 suddenly look again at their hands ...they were only worth limping in for 200 with but now they are worthy of seeing a ep raise and a re raise for 2400 ...thats 12* what they limped in for. of course they quickly call ... flop j/q/x and im all im re raiser is over the top and now i know he has aces jacks or queens as there is nothing else left. calling station 1 folds ? calling station2 also calls with his suited junk and misses. trip jacks wins. :)

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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1 easy call if u are interested in winning the tounry as you would be severely short stacked at this point - I would have just shoved pre flop my self Damo

Hand in question for discussion... bloody SO (lack of any decent) hand history means I'm doing it from memory! (Obviously, Pro, please correct any glaring errors here!)
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