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Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1


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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1 Unbelievable. :wall First ****ing hand - I lose with Full House -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #193160868 at table: Dollar Up Started: Wed Feb 01 21:00:26 2006 Beavor is at seat 1 with 1500.00 spireitedz is at seat 2 with 1490.00 NikkyS is at seat 3 with 1480.00 jouvin is at seat 4 with 1500.00 Sipi00 is at seat 5 with 1500.00 tanarur1 is at seat 6 with 1500.00 phil2211 is at seat 7 with 1500.00 ronin77 is at seat 8 with 1500.00 Sleekshot is at seat 9 with 1500.00 5let_dr is at seat 10 with 1500.00 NikkyS posts the large blind 20.00 spireitedz posts the small blind 10.00 spireitedz: --, -- NikkyS: --, -- jouvin: --, -- Sipi00: --, -- tanarur1: --, -- phil2211: --, -- ronin77: --, -- Sleekshot: Kc, 7d 5let_dr: --, -- Beavor: --, -- Pre-flop: jouvin: Fold Sipi00: Fold tanarur1: Fold phil2211: Fold ronin77: Fold Sleekshot: Call 20.00 5let_dr: Fold Beavor: Call 20.00 spireitedz: Call 20.00 NikkyS: Check Flop (Board: Kd, 10s, 10h): spireitedz: Check NikkyS: Check Sleekshot: Bet 40.00 Beavor: Call 40.00 spireitedz: Fold NikkyS: Call 40.00 Turn (Board: Kd, 10s, 10h, 2s): NikkyS: Check Sleekshot: Bet 40.00 Beavor: Fold NikkyS: Call 40.00 River (Board: Kd, 10s, 10h, 2s, 10c): NikkyS: Check Sleekshot: Bet 260.00 NikkyS: All in Sleekshot: All in Showdown: NikkyS shows: Qh, 10d (four of a kind, Tens) Sleekshot shows: Kc, 7d (full house) Mainpot: NikkyS wins the pot of 3080 with four of a kind, Tens (0.00 rake were taken for this hand) :@

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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1 muppet alert - elmcroft called an AI with 55 to hit trips against Gaf's 10 10 hey ho Damo edit and kukkiwon - liked his gutshot draw with J7s to a preflop raise and half pot bets to the river (sigh) (coz they're were suited and he only needs to hit a 5 to make his straight.......)

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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1 A few of you I can see are around tonight - but you haven't signed in in the Feb thread (in the poll)!!!! I'm going to insist everyone does - an alphabetical list without duplicates makes my life a lot easier!!!!!!

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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1 ul to run into quads, but maybe worth not calling with K7o next time? (even from a middle/late position) and also what can the villain have with their shove that you can beat? only a smaller PP - tricky I know when you are in that position with the FH Damo

Unbelievable. :wall First ****ing hand - I lose with Full House --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1 who has just appeared at my table - fortunately she is to my left Damo EDIT ur right sharpy - 5X BB raise mid position j 10 suited - hit flush on flop OMG called a 1300 shove OOP with J8o - hit the J and knocked out AK

Got one who's hitting everything with crap and the occasional good hand Wanya1.
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Guest gazza271

Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1 Back to my usual form and out in 107th. Had about 1k left and dealt AQs, flop comes 4Q?, anyway he had 44 and thats me fcuked:(

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