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I am going to use the Martingale 'system'. I don't think it is a system as such, because it is largely to do with what I fancy as the best win in all the English Weekend games. I have a bank of £15,500. So I will bet 500, then a grand, then 2 grand, then 4, then 8 grand. I do not foresee it to go to 8. My selection this weekend was Carlisle to beat Macc. Carlisle lost. 500 down. I will post next weeks thread on Saturday morning

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Re: Martingale Yet another Martingale? May I advise you to have a glance at S@S archive, registry or use the search button above (for Martingale). You will find it's not as easy as it looks. Re the odds - to start with, you need an odds-against shot at least - was Carl. @ odds-against at the weekend. BTW, you only need six losers to be out of the money - not that improbable.

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Re: Martingale

Yet another Martingale? May I advise you to have a glance at S@S archive, registry or use the search button above (for Martingale). You will find it's not as easy as it looks. Re the odds - to start with, you need an odds-against shot at least - was Carl. @ odds-against at the weekend. BTW, you only need six losers to be out of the money - not that improbable.
Tulenos there seems to (sadly) be no reasoning with people on the Martingale, it has to be tried and tested. I hope he's not spunking 15 and half grand of real money down the drain but if he is I wish him all the best.
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Re: Martingale

Tulenos there seems to (sadly) be no reasoning with people on the Martingale, it has to be tried and tested. I hope he's not spunking 15 and half grand of real money down the drain but if he is I wish him all the best.
Have to admit you're most probably right, Paul. I just tried it. I also don't think it's real money talk above, if it is, then the money must be burning an enormous hole in his pocket;)
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Re: Martingale I always go for odds of evens or above. I totally disregard the previous bet, so I don't try and claw back my losses and get a percentage as others do. It is my own money, I can assure you of that. Think about this forget theories, just gut instinct. If you think a team is going to win over all the other matches in the league on weekend, surely the probability of it coming in is a lot higher, than mad gamblers who 'have' to bet one selection a day. (say a midweek game) While I don't pretend to be a mathmetician or statistician, I have got to be right. I have a few reasons for betting on weekend matches, that raise the probability of me winning. This sounds mad but hear me out. Away fans travel for weekend games, so if your a footballer you give it your all rather than in midweek. Also players are more creative on the weekend. It seems like to much of a hassle to put on a half decent performance on a Tuesday night. A saturday or sunday afternoon is traditional and even with the birth of Sky, I feel we still haven't lost that in this country. I bet on games with a few players out etc, because I don't believe that a certain team has better players than another team. Even the premiership these days is rubbish. If Barnet played Sunderland tonight they would beat them!

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Re: Martingale

I totally disregard the previous bet, so I don't try and claw back my losses
This statement is an absolute contradiction to what MArtingale is about.
So I will bet 500, then a grand, then 2 grand, then 4, then 8 grand.
And this is the outlined strategy. I've got a bit lost here. Hmm
If you think a team is going to win over all the other matches in the league on weekend, surely the probability of it coming in is a lot higher,
I can assure you the probability doesn't change according to your feelings about a certain game. After all, what you wrote in the last post may well be a long-term strategy, but it doesn't necessarily mean you're better off using Martingale.
While I don't pretend to be a mathmetician or statistician, I have got to be right.
You can't mean it, mate. Best of luck with your effort.
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Re: Martingale I'm just using the word 'Martingale' because everyone lese likes using the word. To tell you the truth I don't really know what the word or person is about, but that's not really the point is it. The point is whether it's possible for me to lose 5 or 6 times in a row. And not necessarily having a go at you, but it seems illogical for people to say I will for a fact lose all my money. Nobody knows that. Also not even I know for a 100% fact that I won't. That's the suspense of it!

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Re: Martingale

Yeah what I meant about clawing back my losses, I meant that I don't do a percentage of stake kind of thing. So obviously I am getting my stake back, that goes without saying.
Look, if this is your own money please don't do it. 15.5k is a very healthy sized betting bank which you could reasonably safely increase by about 25% in a year using the right staking strategy (see the hot favourites thread, or read Joe Buchdahl's book for an example of how). Potentially spunking your money on 6 bets is madness of the highest order.
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Re: Martingale

Ever the optimist!:rollin Good luck with this, I believe you'll need it. Hope you can prove many of the doubters wrong, it'll take some doing!:ok
It's not a case of doubters Dave, everything everyone advising caution is saying is factually correct. After how many bets will you consider this a success? 5, 10, 50? Would it outperform the hot favourites system over 500 bets, very unlikely!! It's a mathematical fact that every bet you do using this staking strategy is one step closer to bankruptcy, even if you're getting fair odds. If you are a good tipster and can find an edge over the bookies why waste it using a silly staking strategy? Bet sensibly looking for long-term growth and you'll take much more money off them.
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Re: Martingale Oh god, it was only a tongue in cheek remark.:unsure If the guys adamant he's going to do then I wish him the utmost success, he'll need it as well as a huge chunk of luck on his side. If he's going 15 grand set aside all he has to do is follow certain tipsters on Sports Punter regularly to make money or look at the bottom of that list and lay those punters selections. No names mentioned!

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Re: Martingale

I can't lose...I think I am too clever' date=' saying that Carlisle result was a bit of a shock. The Maccs didn't even have any forwards.[/quote'] Oh you can lose, even the best of us lose buddy. As for Macclesfield having no forwards, how do you account for Clyde Wijnhard playing for them and him being one of the top5 strikers in the division? You shouldn't come across as arrogant or people will jump on you when/if you fail. Just friendly advice.:ok
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