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** April Poker League Result : 1st Like2Fish, 2nd McG, 3rd andybell666 **

The % Man

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Hi Just Wish To Say Hell0 To You All. My Hobby Is Writing Systems Or Finding Trends That Work Year In And Year Out And Show A Profit. Before I Share Some Of My Findings With You I Would Like To Know What % Profit Or Strike/rate You Would Be Looking For. These Ideas Of Mine Are Well Reserched And Cover All Aspects Of Racing And Show Some Good Profits.

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Re: The % Man :welcome I'm looking for a no-lose system guaranteed to make me a millionaire. What have you got? Only joking mate, I'm looking for something that would consistently double my bank year on year. Nothing too out of the ordinary. What does your research suggest is feasible?

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Re: The % Man

I Would Like To Know What % Profit Or Strike/rate You Would Be Looking For.
I'm more interested in the stability of the profit than the rate of it's growth, Althought I'd like to increase my bank by 900% each year without risk. I assume that this shouldn't be a problem ??
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Re: The % Man :welcome % MAN. Yes, DBDF, that's not a nice way to greet a new member. After all, he did say Hell0, and as he said, his Ideas are Well Reserched. What more do you want? % MAN, you mention that you specialize in finding trends that work year in, year out. For tax reasons, I'm looking for betting opportunities that return a good profit in even numbered years, but make a small loss in odd numbered years. Is this something you could provide? I realize that for a customized package like this, I would have to pay extra, of course.

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Re: The % Man

:welcome % MAN. Yes, DBDF, that's not a nice way to greet a new member. After all, he did say Hell0, and as he said, his Ideas are Well Reserched. What more do you want? % MAN, you mention that you specialize in finding trends that work year in, year out. For tax reasons, I'm looking for betting opportunities that return a good profit in even numbered years, but make a small loss in odd numbered years. Is this something you could provide? I realize that for a customized package like this, I would have to pay extra, of course.
If you need any help on formulating the losing part of the system %man, just let me know and I'll be happy to help with your research. I used to be an expert at it, and can still rack up some impressive shortfalls now and again so you can be assured I know what I'm doing:ok
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Re: The % Man SLAPDASH Thanks for your interest but as I said racing and trying to find systems,trends or stats that work is a hobby and if it shows a profit thats great. If you were being serious about a good year then a small loss year I will do my best for you. I mainly try to find systems that work every year. May I also make it clear to everybody that I'm not trying to sell anything. I just want to put up some ideas that might be of some use and perhaps give you another view when selecting your horses. THE

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Re: The % Man Blimey you lot on the train to "pisstake central" today?:lol :welcome % Man - we're all here to learn off each other, so don't be shy it's just we got quite a few people professing to be "The Special One" on here and they usually go by the name of slapdash, unfortunately due to previous results, we cannot legally take this tag away as yet. ;)

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Re: The % Man I've no intension of knocking anybody of there top spot whoever it might be. I look at it like this,if someone is doing well thats good for all of us and if they are having a bad spell they should get some surport from the rest of us not kicked in the B******

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Re: The % Man

Hi DATAPUNTER If I were you put 8 pounds a day in an ISA, 100% return plus 4% profit. Just going over all my data before posting and the one that I'm thinking of doing as a s/rate of 30% and a 57% profit over the last 9 years.
DP is talking about yield though not straight profit, there is a huge difference. How many bets are your figures based on and what are your average odds?
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Re: The % Man I'm pretty much a newbie when it comes to horse racing - only done trading (badly) on betfair. May i ask what odds your profits are based on? Are these SP or from another source? I'm looking to test a "system" with betfair odds but haven't been able to find any databases with those details - only estimated betfair odds from a formula. Oh and welcome to PL. Hope you stick around and don't take this lot too seriously. They're a good bunch once you get to know them (and they've sobered up).

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Re: The % Man What's an ISA ? Some definitions so we're all talking about the same thing: Starting bank, the amount of money you start with, usually expressed as a uniform 100 points. Stake size, the amount staked, or risked, on a single bet. Total staked, (or turnover) the total amount of money staked for a given period of time and number of bets. (Total) Return, the amount returned from (all) a bet(s). Strike Rate, ratio of winners, divide number of winners with the total number of bets and express as a %. Yield, the % of profit, or loss, made on the total turnover, divide the Total Return with the Total Staked and express as a %. ( negative % means a loss ) I'm sure you are familiar with these but thought i'd mention them to avoid any confusion :ok

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Re: The % Man HI DATAPUNTER The ISA is a bank account.The system that I was thinking of posting involves HANDICAP HURDLES ONLY. Their are approx 50 to 60 runners per season and they must have run in the last 5 DAYS and be aged 5,6,7or 8yr olds. The SPs most be 14/1 or less but may be more at Betfair. Any number of runners bar 14-15 or 20+ and may have finnished anywhere last time out (includes Fell or Pull up) and that is mainly it, but the s/rate could be improved if 6 courses were left out. Below are the stats from Jan 2005 until the 21Jan 2006 and these include all the JUMPS COURSES. BETS 67 WINS 20 A 29.9% S/RATE WITH A RETURN OF 189.9% EW BETS 67 PLACED 34 A 51% S/RATE WITH A RETURN OF 148% Also the going can be any bar firm.

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Re: The % Man Glad to have you on board mate %man, you think along the same lines as me. I believe I use the same website as you judging by your findings, however I use the statistics to lay horses rather than back them. One small query with your findings, why do you think races containing 14-15 runners do any worse than 16-19 or up to 13?? This is not a criticism. I just think having a cutoff number of runners is good but I wouldn't omit specific chunks of data just because they haven't performed as well. (33 races over the last 9 years for 14-15 runners, is this enough to make a judgement on? - i don't think so) I'd leave your cutoff at 20runners+ By the way have a look at omitting anything less than 2-1 SP You're percentages will grow a little bit ;) DC

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Re: The % Man Ah, i see the confusion now, by 1% yield i mean an average profit of 1% on each bet, and then preferably as many bets as possible. So if you start with 100 points, and stake just 1 point per bet, and in a year you place say 500 bets, you end up with a bank of 600 points, so thats a profit of 500%. Unless you know where i can get an ISA with 500% profit ?

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Re: The % Man

Ah, i see the confusion now, by 1% yield i mean an average profit of 1% on each bet, and then preferably as many bets as possible. So if you start with 100 points, and stake just 1 point per bet, and in a year you place say 500 bets, you end up with a bank of 600 points, so thats a profit of 500%.
Um. Right idea. Wrong arithmetic. How about: So if you start with 100 points, and stake just 10 points per bet, and in a year you place say 500 bets, you end up with a bank of 150 points, so thats a profit of 50%.
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Re: The % Man Ok then, I think you're a genuine bloke, % MAN, although as you understood yourself, there was certain scepticism from our side at the beginning as there have been a bit too many chaps trying to sell coal to Newcastle. Now, I guess the best way is to go on and show/prove the system here, if you like;)

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Re: The % Man HI DANNY CASH The trouble is Danny I've that many systems and stats for different types of races and perhaps cut of more than I should but I do like to vary what I do and I like to find things other people might not think of doing. You seem to be a man who relises the amount of work that can go into finding them although the one on my post is just a simple one to follow. Hears one to get your teeth round if you already have not done so.Look at handicap chases were the horses have pulled up LTO,but they must only be 6 and 8yr olds and the top jockey stats for these type of races are won more than you would expect and let me know what you think. This had a very good year in 2005 at very good SPs and I was on quite a few of them.

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Re: The % Man no, in other words on each bet you make , on average, 1 point profit, to do this you need the right balance of strike rate and winners odds. And there are quite a few systems and different balances that give that result. the point is what i like is: many bets, as consistent as possible, i.e. a smooth increase of the bank rather that a lot of ups and downs. and the actual yield can be small because the profit comes from a large turnover, (many bets).

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