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**Poker Tuesday 10th January**


**Poker Tuesday 10th January**  

  1. 1.

    • 14:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 17:00 Europoker Daily
    • 19:00 Sporting Odds Safety Net
    • 19:30 Sporting Odds EPT Invitational
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 20:00 Poker.co.uk PokerPlayer Freeroll
    • 20:30 Betfred Premier League
    • 23:30 Checknraise Freeway to Vegas Freeroll
    • 01:00 PartyPoker.net High Flier

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 10th January**

I have kevshat on my table.:ok "Hi Kev." :ok "..........." :( Oh well. Kev wins a hand; "NICE HAND KEVSHAT FROM PUNTERSLOUNGE!!!!!" "............" :sad :wall :wall :wall :wall
:rollin Sorry mate! I'm not the best chatter when I'm playing poker!!
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Re: **Poker Tuesday 10th January** kevshat - Unlucky mate. Good spot on that bluff, shame about the other player.:ok

Cheers for the reminder Valiant, would of been :cry if i missed this one!
Hayward, I'm glad I could help. :ok Now you'll be :cry when I take your chips.:lol :tongue2
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Re: **Poker Tuesday 10th January**

I have signed on for the Poker player freeroll but cannot open sporting odds while that site is open.
They use the same software and will only allow one or the other to be used at the same time on one computer:sad The only way around it is to use 2 computers if your lucky enough to have a spare one :eek Luckily for me I use a laptop for my work so it allows me to run both at the same time, although my desk looks like a scene from a stock trading room some evenings with 2 screens running loads of poker tables....
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Re: **Poker Tuesday 10th January** Need a change of luck so decided to play the safety net very tight...2nd hand dealt JJ :) , raised to 80, took on the one allin :D , he has K8 and hits the King for top pair:cry ...never mind, I'll just have to take the nordic by storm on Wednesday. By the way the Gaming Club $5000 game is registering for all those who joined during december.

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 10th January**

Need a change of luck so decided to play the safety net very tight...2nd hand dealt JJ :) , raised to 80, took on the one allin :D , he has K8 and hits the King for top pair:cry ...never mind, I'll just have to take the nordic by storm on Wednesday. By the way the Gaming Club $5000 game is registering for all those who joined during december.
Unlucky Dodger - I'm out too - lost half my stack calling with a K high straight and got beaten by a flush, the G1T was holding 62 spades! :wall Lost the remainder when my 10 10 went up aginst JJ.:sad
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