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Wicked hand


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Just seen this hand in a $5 STT on betfred. First time I've seen 4 full-houses in the same hand.:eek Dealer: Bytor is the dealer Dealer: Starting a new hand (#618717700) Dealer: Starting a new hand (#618717700) Dealer: NPR33701352 posts Small Blind 20 Dealer: monoman posts Big Blind 40 Dealer: Dealing cards Dealer: Your cards 3h 8d Dealer: longdog raises 80 Dealer: dingoate folds Dealer: mcguirpa folds Dealer: ENOCHS raises 480 Dealer: 6packAbs folds Dealer: Bytor folds Dealer: NPR33701352 goes All-in 285 Dealer: monoman goes All-in 160 Dealer: longdog goes All-in 3,275 Dealer: ENOCHS goes All-in 1,280 Dealer: Dealing Flop Kc 6c 8h Dealer: Dealing Turn Kc 6c 8h 6s Dealer: Dealing River Kc 6c 8h 6s 6h Dealer: ENOCHS shows Full house Tc Th Dealer: ENOCHS has finished tournament in 6. place Dealer: NPR33701352 shows Full house As Kd Dealer: NPR33701352 has finished tournament in 7. place Dealer: monoman shows Full house Js Jd Dealer: monoman has finished tournament in 8. place Dealer: longdog shows Full house Ad Ac Dealer: Winner is longdog with Full house 6h 6s 6c Ad Ac 5,620 Dealer: Winner is longdog with Full house 6h 6s 6c Ad Ac 5,620

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