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**Poker Sunday 25th December**


**Poker Sunday 25th December**  

  1. 1.

    • 14:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 14:00 William Hill £500
    • 17:00 Europoker Daily
    • 18:45 Laddies Christmas Cruise Cracker
    • 19:00 Sporting Odds Safety Net
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 20:00 Sporting Odds Vegas Holiday
    • 23:30 Checknraise Freeway to Vegas
    • 01:00 PartyPoker.net High Flier

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Re: **Poker Sunday 25th December** I'm out of the Betfred I-pod.... Everyone slowplayed almost everything, so when I had QQ I just limped. Half way round the table 1 guy goes all in for more than I had (I thought), so I smiled and called. He had AA and flopped another, just to emphasise the point.:lol I say "gg and gl to all", and "see you later" to Ovalman, only to discover I had 60 chips left. Somewhat embarressed and lots of kind words I look at my next hand - KK! Go all in and win, I'm up to 240. The comeback had started...and ended on the very next hand when I had AQs and went all in (2xBB :lol), with 1 caller, who had.............AA!:rollin :rollin :rollin Now I know the poker gods don't believe in Christmas.

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Re: **Poker Sunday 25th December** :nana :clap WELL DONE KESTRAL:nana :nana .. I Just finished in the money again 20th in check and raise short stacked got pocket aces guy next to me goes all in i put my last $632 and hoping there is another few calls great there is YES!!!.. "BUT NO" he has A J suited but i am 70% fav to win.. he drops the flush.. but yet again no complaints i am just learning,, I do believe i am getting better. enjoying my play and all this pressure;) ;) . Talk to you all tomorrow from work should be manning reception all day:D Kev

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Re: **Poker Sunday 25th December** Have to say that even by my usual poor standards, I played complete shite. I seem to clam up when even the slightest hint of cash is involved and I played so tight that I only played two hands that reached the river in the iPod final and generally folded all my other hands. Mind you, most of the crap I was dealt, I wouldn't have hit the flop anyway. Finished 76th. Ho-hum. I had KJo in the small blind and the guy to my left (pawsdk) is half-genius/half-luckbox and I'm kinda scared he's gonna raise (yet again) so I don't call. King on the flop and I'm cursing especially when he reveals that he has K3o to two other players and wins the hand. Also had Q4o at one time, folded and up pops a flop of Q4Q! BAH!!

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