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**Poker Sunday 25th December**


**Poker Sunday 25th December**  

  1. 1.

    • 14:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 14:00 William Hill £500
    • 17:00 Europoker Daily
    • 18:45 Laddies Christmas Cruise Cracker
    • 19:00 Sporting Odds Safety Net
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 20:00 Sporting Odds Vegas Holiday
    • 23:30 Checknraise Freeway to Vegas
    • 01:00 PartyPoker.net High Flier

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Re: **Poker Sunday 25th December** Not that I had much of a life before, but I have no life now. Committed to getting into Maxim top 10 so taking laptop to brother-in-law's for Christmas Day and turning down all other invitations over Xmas and New Year. I wish a Happy Christmas to everyone I've met in the Poker Forum here and a prosperous New Year for us all. :cheers

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Re: **Poker Sunday 25th December**

Because I qualified for the Ipod Final tomorrow on Betfred I also get an invite to a $1000 freeroll...starting at 8pm, and ther's less than 100 in. Cheers Betfred.:ok
Well that sounds great - and I want some of it!!!!!! So I tried a Head to Head SnG qualifier for this - my opponent was shockingly bad and I eased into the final just after we moved out of level 1!!!! Hopefully I'll get an invite now as well :ok
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Re: **Poker Sunday 25th December** Hmmm....... I'm probably going to get a lot of poker in ....... my "tactic" will be to scour for regular guaranteed Freezeouts - I'm expecting to find some really low entry games and some phenomenal value :loon Anyone else in the same boat?

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Re: **Poker Sunday 25th December**

9am Betfair Bonus' date=' anyone up early enough? Normally struggles to get 20, could be great value today (if there's enough for it to not get cancelled!)[/quote'] Saw this at 8.50am so thought i'd give it a go, weird hands. 1st 2 hands poor so folded 3rd hand dealt QQ raised and won the pot 4th hand dealt QQ raised and flop came with an ace, bet, was called, bet again on turn was raised so folded as assumed against pair of aces 5th hand dealt JJ raised and flop came with overcards, bet was raised and folded. 6th hand dealt KK (on blind) 1 player raised to 60 and was called so I went all in and was called by AQ, he hit his ace and I was out after 10 minutes in 19th position. Merry Christmas everyone :nana
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Re: **Poker Sunday 25th December** Merry Xmas everyone. I got a bloody cold - think I'm allergic to Xmas :\ had one last year as well. So am only playing freerolls and cheapos till I am better as I think I don't play as well when off colour. Looks like betfred is going to see a fair bit of me today - $1000 winners freeroll at 8:00 and then the ipod final shortly after. At least with this cold I'm excused other duties :D .

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Re: **Poker Sunday 25th December** Just got out in willhill freeroll 49th for £2.25 everyone going all in on AK and QJ etc so i got up to 26000 then down to 18000 raised with a pair of eights some one else raised one other followed another just called i went allin the first stacked the other called he turns a pair of kings bye bye kev .. GAF is this another P/B for me as it is £££ not $$$ i am going to copy it just in case .. let me know kev ,,merry xmas BTW all

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Re: **Poker Sunday 25th December** out of hills in 24th. not bad for 2nd tourney in ages. doing well all tourney til christmas dinner came out. i had a short break and came back around 30 places lower but managed to get that back but in the end the blinds were getting too much for my short stack and i went. merry christmas to all i am off to make it up to the family..

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