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**Poker Thursday 22nd December**


**Poker Thursday 22nd December**  

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    • 14:00 and 20:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 17:00 Europoker Daily Freeroll
    • 18:00 SO Raked Hands Freeroll
    • 18:00 Team PL League
    • 18:45 Laddies Christmas Cruise
    • 19:00 SO Safety Net
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 Stan James Grand Prix
    • 20:15 Laddies Win a Racehorse Freeroll
    • 23:30 Checknraise WSOP Leaderboard Freeroll

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Re: **Poker Thursday 22nd December**

OUT AT 3rd . NOT BAD for a few hours work . :)
:notworthy newbie, I've just read through this thread and that seemed like a very entertaining contest and a very good performance. Congratulations on that and of course your win. Will PL witnesses count so that it goes in the PB section Gaf?
i need to view GaF now . I still can't sleep after this huge win . lol
Thats how myself and P-Lady felt after our first successes, which bear no comparison to yours. You'll think about this and wonder how you'd cope with something bigger, but as you have more success you will get used to it (I hope ;)).
GaF won it :nana :cow :nana
Well done mate on that very nice win too.:ok I've kind of given up on that site tbh, but it's still good that you lot are nailing it. :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
Just played on betfred to qualify for Xmas ipod game - both me and Valiant made it -:ok and it also counts as qualification for the satelite players freeroll later in week. Am demob happy - only 5 or so real work days to go before I'm free :D :D :D
After being a good hubbie all day, when we got home I kinda pawed at the PC and whined until P-Lady (or Pocket 3's as I like to call her now :lol) let me play a tourney or two. philossify spoilt my female 'disguise' by saying "nh Mr V" at one point.:lol The final's on Christmas Day-evening. Do I feign headache or tell one of the kids of and go home in a strop as an excuse from the traditional family get together?
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Re: **Poker Thursday 22nd December** Newbie, to get the hand history, open up Bet365 poker, then go to game history. Was it this one? Think it's the right time... ** Game ID 621164044 starting - 2005-12-22 19:34:57 ** $4,000 GUARANTEE:Table 25 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (20000.00|40000.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - Snowman133 sitting in seat 2 with $159383.12 - Nessi sitting in seat 3 with $467744.84 - Haans sitting in seat 4 with $115565.51 - BORNWINNER1 sitting in seat 5 with $378024.37 [Dealer] - tremco sitting in seat 6 with $220333.88 - alambic sitting in seat 7 with $278472.28 - nancasko sitting in seat 9 with $179440.00 - ocki0706 sitting in seat 10 with $500536.00 tremco posted the small blind - $10000.00 alambic posted the big blind - $20000.00 nancasko folded ocki0706 folded Snowman133 folded Nessi folded Haans folded BORNWINNER1 folded tremco called - $20000.00 alambic checked ** Dealing the flop: 8 of Diamonds, Ace of Clubs, Ace of Spades tremco bet - $20000.00 alambic folded tremco mucks: tremco wins $60000.00 from the main pot End of game 621164044

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Re: **Poker Thursday 22nd December** Yes - multiple PL witnesses will do in the absense of a screenshot for the PB ....... however, I'm a bit behind with the PB's at the moment - a few from the PL freeroll (amongst others) need to be added - I WILL do it tomorrow .... honest ....... If I miss anyone's PB from recently - feel free to draw my attention to it!!!!

Do I feign headache or tell one of the kids of and go home in a strop as an excuse from the traditional family get together?
You've got it bad mate................ ........welcome to the club :lol :lol
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Re: **Poker Thursday 22nd December**

You've got it bad mate................
Headache it is then!:notworthy Although that might cause an overreaction and end up with me back in hospital, so.......think I'll have to figure out what the kids are going to be in trouble for.....:rollin :rollin :rollin
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Re: **Poker Thursday 22nd December** Thats bad of you though :spank However , :welcome to the club :loon :loon :loon

Headache it is then!:notworthy Although that might cause an overreaction and end up with me back in hospital, so.......think I'll have to figure out what the kids are going to be in trouble for.....:rollin :rollin :rollin
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Re: **Poker Thursday 22nd December** ** Game ID 621165558 starting - 2005-12-23 03:34:51 ** $4,000 GUARANTEE:Table 25 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (20000.00|40000.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - Snowman133 sitting in seat 2 with $159383.12 - Nessi sitting in seat 3 with $467744.84 - Haans sitting in seat 4 with $115565.51 - BORNWINNER1 sitting in seat 5 with $378024.37 - tremco sitting in seat 6 with $280333.88 - alambic sitting in seat 7 with $268472.28 [Dealer] - nancasko sitting in seat 9 with $149440.00 - ocki0706 sitting in seat 10 with $480536.00 [sitting out] nancasko posted the small blind - $10000.00 ocki0706 posted the big blind - $20000.00 ** Dealing card to BORNWINNER1: Ace of Spades, King of Diamonds Snowman133 folded Nessi raised - $80000.00 Haans folded BORNWINNER1 folded tremco folded alambic folded nancasko folded ocki0706 folded Nessi mucks: Nessi wins $110000.00 from the main pot End of game 621165558 That guy Nessi is in 2nd spot and he raised . He may have a big hand . AK is relatively a good hand isn't it ? I felt like re-raising , but as i said , there are still so many players below my chip stack . Had i blew it and lost it , i would have got something way off the return i have at the moment . Good play there ? I'm not sure about that . Comments pls GaF

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Re: **Poker Thursday 22nd December** Overall a nice contest in the end .Got some lucky breaks here and there when i needed them . Was only thinking about winning back the money spent in the tourney ($7) , get to 50th and we'll see how it goes . Amazing to hit the final table . Been quite some time since i got on the final table . Amazingly , not from a freeroll . :cow BTW , whats the PB section ? i must have missed out on something here again :loon :loon

:notworthy newbie' date=' I've just read through this thread and that seemed like a very entertaining contest and a [u']very good performance. Congratulations on that and of course your win. Will PL witnesses count so that it goes in the PB section Gaf?
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Re: **Poker Thursday 22nd December** Hmmm, tough call. I'd probably have folded as well due to the size of the blinds and the chip lead the raiser has. Pay to see the flop and if there's no A or K - he can afford to put you allin without too much damage, would you hope for a lucky hit and that he was bluffing? I'd rather be a chicken than a turkey :ok

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Re: **Poker Thursday 22nd December** at that stage in time , I know i shouldn't be thinking about the money . But come to think of it , when there are so many people having fewer stacks than me , i would actually have an edge of getting to the final 3 or 4 which pays out better . UNless i pocketed AA , there's no way i'm going to call . INstead , i'll go all-in .

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Re: **Poker Thursday 22nd December** Hmmmmm Newbie - tough one ....... AK is a fundamentally good hand ........ However if it doesn't hit, then it is only Ace high!! However, preflop, only AA and KK have you totally dominated. You also have postition on your opponent. How had he been playing before? What percentage of hands was he playing with and what percentage of the time was he raising strongly like this? I suspect it was frequently!! I'm a strong advocate of All In or Fold at this stage of a tournament - however all in at this point is a brave move!! Having said that, imagine how much harder it would be for him to call your all in!!!! I think it all comes down to how he was playing before this - if he was bullying and playing a lot of hands, taking a lot of blinds, then I'd be tempted to go all in and hope for the fold (but expect a race at worst!!). If he was playing tight, then it's harder to do this - maybe you could call and see the flop (and his action Post Flop!!) ..... doesn't leave you in too bad shape. Also depends on your primary objective - do you just want to hit the money - or do you want to try and win it? If you want to win it - then it calls for aggression (especially near the bubble). It's tricky - there are strong arguments for folding, calling and raising!!!

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