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Betfair PL Freeroll - Hand 7


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Game #1102045894: Hold'em NL (10/20) - 2005/12/17 - 20:35:20 (BST) Table "Punters Lounge 1433392 - 2" Seat 8 is the button. Seat 1: heniek (1385 in chips) Seat 2: wpr1 (1460 in chips) Seat 3: pistnbust sits out Seat 4: rippy (1520 in chips) Seat 5: jmac (1520 in chips) Seat 6: Telepe (1555 in chips) Seat 7: SlyPort sits out Seat 8: lynn (1590 in chips) Seat 9: thenuts1 (1500 in chips) Seat 10: friskyfit (1530 in chips) thenuts1: posts small blind 10 friskyfit: posts big blind 20 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Telepe [Ad Ah] heniek: folds wpr1: folds pistnbust: folds pistnbust sits back rippy: folds jmac: raises to 40 Telepe: raises to 100 SlyPort: folds SlyPort sits back lynn: calls 100 thenuts1: folds friskyfit: folds jmac: calls 60 ----- FLOP ----- [Ks 8d Qh] jmac: bets 20 Telepe: raises to 150 lynn: folds jmac: calls 130 ----- TURN ----- [Ks 8d Qh][8s] jmac: bets 100 Telepe: raises to 400 jmac: calls 300 ----- RIVER ----- [Ks 8d Qh 8s][6s] jmac: bets 20 Telepe: calls 20 ----- SHOW DOWN ----- jmac: shows [Ac Kh] (Two Pairs, Kings and Eights, Ace high) Telepe: shows [Ad Ah] (Two Pairs, Aces and Eights, King high) Telepe collects 1470 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 1470 Main pot 1470 Rake 0 Board [Ks 8d Qh 8s 6s] Seat 1: heniek folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: wpr1 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: pistnbust folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: rippy folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: jmac lost Seat 6: Telepe showed [Ad Ah] and won (1470) with Two Pairs, Aces and Eights, King high Seat 7: SlyPort folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: lynn (button) folded on the Flop Seat 9: thenuts1 (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 10: friskyfit (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) ****HAND ENDS****
10 seated - 2 sit outs - 8 active players I'm Dealt Pocket Rockets 2 off the button - think I might play this one ;) PreFlop First 4 players fold jmac (with AKo) puts in a minimum raise to 40 I reraise to 100 The sitout folds Lynn (Rednutt) OTB calls Blinds fold jmac calls I'm lucky - I have AA, and unlike rippy in the last hand, strong action, despite a (relatively small) reraise. Flop Ks 8d Qh jmac, with top pair and A kicker puts a 20 bet into the 330 pot. I raise by 130 to put in a relatively weak bet of 150 lynn (renutt) folds jmac calls with hindsite - I don't like my bet here - it was too small and weak. That's easy to say now I can see my opponent was strong, however, I pride myself in tight aggressive play - and a 130 bet there was not aggressive - I should have been stronger!!! I also don't like jmac's play. A bet of 20 into a 330 pot? It's not enough to make the bet worthwhile. Turn 8s jmac bets 100 into the pot of 630 I raise by 300 to 400 jmac calls Again, jmac's bet of 100 into a pot of 630 is too small (though better). My reraise of 300 is better than my last play, but could still maybe have been stronger. We both have to be nervous of an 8 - though anyone with an 8 should not have played this hand pre flop. I know jmac has something and KK or QQ obviously has the better of me now, as does KQ. Also the danger of a flush or straight draw - high suited cards could both conceviably have been played pre and post flop. There are a lot of hands out there now which could beat me, as I have not improved. Stronger betting by me could have made any draws more expensive for my opponent (as it happens he isn't on a draw - only one of the 2 remaining kings can save him). River 6s jmac bets 20 (into a pot of 1430) I call The river filled any flush draws and that is my main concern. My Aces did not improve and that slowed me down. Overall I hate the way I played this now - I was not aggressive enough early, and late I was too worried about the flush, when my opponent had shown no strength. My opponent hit top pair and I had him beat and should have won more on this hand. jmac's minimum bets of 20 into some quite large pots are also quite poor.
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Re: Betfair PL Freeroll - Hand 7 This is said purely with the benefit of hindsight - but at one time I would always go all in pre-flop with pocket Aces, and with jmac's hand you can be fairly certain he would call. Problem solved. Of course at one time I'd have played most hands going so was probably short stacked by the time the pocket rockets came along, increasing the chance of the all-in strategy. Nowadays it will always be a big raise pre-flop - I would never slow play them anyway.

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Re: Betfair PL Freeroll - Hand 7 I don't think all in pre flop is an option. The probability is that I would just pick up the blinds of 30 if I did this!!!! I would consider going all in pre flop with aces early in a tournament if there were enough muppets around that a call is a good chance, but not in a PL Game where we know everyone plays at a certain level........you just don't get the value from your aces!!!!

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Re: Betfair PL Freeroll - Hand 7 Pre-flop all in is a horrible play here IMO. You don't get aces very often and you want to extract value from them. They'll bust a bit more as a result of not shutting people out, but you have to take that chance to get paid - there's much more long term equity in slowplaying them a bit (how much depending on situation/board). I appreciate that it can be prudent to avoid grey situations in tournament play, but you can't be too scared of a hand busting. And as for being sure the AK will call, I wouldn't be sure he'd call, AK would be an instant fold for me in that situation. Looking at that bet there's a reasonable chance that you have a coinflip, a decent possibility that you're dominated, and almost no chance at all that you're ahead - why call that?

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Re: Betfair PL Freeroll - Hand 7 GAF, a couple of things here. First of all I think you did pretty good with this hand all things considered, jmac was so passive there was no way you could have known he was sitting on AK and ripe for a fleecing. The only thing I would say is you should have gone much higher with your turn bet maybe twice what you did bet as there were alot of drawing hands out there (both a straight and a flush) and based on the passive play of jmac it was quite feasible he was on one of these hands, and by only betting what you did he was getting all the odds he needed to see you. As to the river, I think the community cards were far too dangerous for you to do anything other then call, AA is not such a good hand with what was on the board.

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