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Betfair PL Freeroll - Hand 2


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plpokerhandanalysis4ph.jpg Apologies for any confusion - I missed this hand out - have rijigged the numbers a little to get it in!!!
Game #1102045844: Hold'em NL (10/20) - 2005/12/17 - 20:31:28 (BST) Table "Punters Lounge 1433392 - 2" Seat 3 is the button. Seat 1: heniek (1500 in chips) Seat 2: wpr1 (1460 in chips) Seat 3: pistnbust sits out Seat 4: rippy (1480 in chips) Seat 5: jmac (1550 in chips) Seat 6: Telepe (1500 in chips) Seat 7: SlyPort sits out Seat 8: lynn (1500 in chips) Seat 9: thenuts1 (1540 in chips) Seat 10: friskyfit (1500 in chips) rippy: posts small blind 10 jmac: posts big blind 20 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Telepe [3h 4c] Telepe: folds SlyPort: folds SlyPort sits back lynn: folds thenuts1: folds friskyfit: raises to 180 heniek: folds wpr1: folds pistnbust: folds pistnbust sits back rippy: folds jmac: folds Returned uncalled bets 160 to friskyfit ----- SHOW DOWN ----- friskyfit: shows [Ah Qh] (Ace Hearts and Queen Hearts) friskyfit collects 50 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 50 Main pot 50 Rake 0 Seat 1: heniek folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: wpr1 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: pistnbust (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: rippy (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: jmac (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: Telepe folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: SlyPort folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: lynn folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: thenuts1 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 10: friskyfit collected 50 ****HAND ENDS****
This is Friskies first hand. 10 Seats - Piston and Port are on sit out - 8 active players I am 7 off the button and first to act pre flop I have 43o - easy decision - fold Preflop First 4 players fold Frisky (with AQs) raises to 180 (9x BB) :loon Everyone folds and Frisky picks up the 30 blinds. Frisky shows his cards Have to ask Frisky - Why such a big bet? and why show your cards? Why show your cards? I suspect the answer is "Because it's PL" - fair enough!! Or is there something deeper here? Were you trying to set up a specific table image? "Interesting" play though :loon ;)
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Re: Betfair PL Freeroll - Hand 2

This one I'm looking forward to reading, as it is a definite problem in my game, so come on everyone, tell Valiant how best to play a AK/AQs very early in an MTT. PLEASE!!!! :$ :ok:notworthy
I'd love to tell you Mr V but GAF's got enough notes on my style of play without me confirming his suspicions!! :rollin :rollin :rollin
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Re: Betfair PL Freeroll - Hand 2 Ak or AQ - in this scenario, early in a tournament ...... I like to flat call it (it is "only" A high) and try and see the flop. If I miss, then I won't generally bet or call - time to let the hand go. However, if I hit A or K high on the flop, then I'll bet it aggressively and hope for a big payout from someone with a hand like AJ or AT....... Later on in a tournament, I'll play it completely differently. You will see in Hand 7 jmac had AK against my AA and a flop K high - in Jmac's position, I would have gone in aggressively with that and got slaughtered!!!

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