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**SO Dollar Up - MTT Leg 4** Wed 14th Dec 9pm


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Re: **SO Dollar Up - MTT Leg 4** Wed 14th Dec 9pm I'm in :ok Anyone else ever noticed that if you look for a player in an SO MTT by putting the list in alphabetical order it puts it in two halves ? I always notice Mr & Mrs V in the first half, whilst I and others of us languish in the second half - second class citizens or what ? ! ;)

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Re: **SO Dollar Up - MTT Leg 4** Wed 14th Dec 9pm Yuck, out in 93rd. Had J9 on big blind. Flop gave me 2 pair with a possible flush on the cards for the other 2 players in the hand. Small raise on flop 2 callers. Turn came i decided to go all in to prevent a flush fish. 2 callers one with 99 and QQ. River can't do anything for me and i'm gone. God i hate poker :@

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Re: **SO Dollar Up - MTT Leg 4** Wed 14th Dec 9pm Sat with PaulM (just as Sheeky FK and the cloud joined the table). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #152892633 at table: Dollar Up Started: Wed Dec 14 21:47:31 2005 SnowQueen is at seat 1 with 1200.00 BulletYoyo is at seat 2 with 3380.00 hoopy67 is at seat 3 with 2565.00 McGoatski is at seat 4 with 2825.00 no1chizler is at seat 5 with 3810.00 mcguirpa is at seat 6 with 1840.00 Rincewind2 is at seat 7 with 2855.00 PatBateman is at seat 8 with 1690.00 the_cloud is at seat 9 with 1130.00 Higgs23pl is at seat 10 with 7300.00 no1chizler posts the large blind 100.00 McGoatski posts the small blind 50.00 McGoatski: --, -- no1chizler: --, -- mcguirpa: --, -- Rincewind2: --, -- PatBateman: --, -- the_cloud: --, -- Higgs23pl: 7d, 7h SnowQueen: --, -- BulletYoyo: --, -- hoopy67: --, -- Pre-flop: mcguirpa: Raise 400.00 Rincewind2: Fold PatBateman: Fold the_cloud: Fold Higgs23pl: Call 400.00 SnowQueen: Fold BulletYoyo: Fold hoopy67: Fold McGoatski: Fold no1chizler: Fold Flop (Board: Kh, 5h, 7s): mcguirpa: Bet 950.00 Higgs23pl: Raise 1900.00-purely to save his chips. I had to be ahead, surely? mcguirpa: All in Showdown: mcguirpa shows: Kd, Js (a pair of Kings) Higgs23pl shows: 7d, 7h (three of a kind, Sevens) Turn (Board: Kh, 5h, 7s, Ks): (at that point I thought I was home and dry) River (Board: Kh, 5h, 7s, Ks 5c:wall :wall :wall :rollin mcguirpa shows: Kd, Js (full house) Mainpot: mcguirpa wins the pot of 3830 with full house (0.00 rake were taken for this hand) Ah well. it was all in good fun. :lol I must say Paul does struggle a little spotting mid trips too. :lol

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Re: **SO Dollar Up - MTT Leg 4** Wed 14th Dec 9pm yeah that was a toughie Mr.V. Trouble is I have a huge blind spot when it comes to low-mid trips. Does anyone know how to spot the fcukers? I mean to be fair you only called the raise and I had top pair. Once I was commited I had to go with it. They're a bugger to spot. The fella that I went out to played them exactly the same as I would, they're well easy to disguise.

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