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Poker Player Magazine - Heads Up Challenge

Big Andy

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GotaFancy and myself have discussed this briefly and as long it`s ok with the remaining PL Heads Up players then I think we should put the eventual winner forward for this. Basically they`ve been running a series of online heads up challenges where someone represents Poker Player magazine in a best of 3 match against a pokerroom.com player. The prize for winning the match is a pro poker set worth $500 and a $250 seat to a final WPT qualifier. But there`s more....you`ll also get entered into the Poker Player Heads Up Grand Final in a 4 way knockout for more cash/prizes etc, once they have 4 poker player winners from this series of matches. Poker Player currently have 2 winners from the matches so far and it ends when they have 4. The deadline for entries for the next round is Dec 9th which may be too early to put forward our Heads Up winner but we do have a bit more time as even if a PP player wins the latest leg, thats still only 3 so there`ll be at least 1 more match. so in order to put some momentum to our idea, feel free to email the mag at [email protected] GaF? has already sent the suggestion and so will I. As I said the deadline for the next round is Dec 9th but I think if they get swamped with mail from us PL`ers then they`ll surely consider the PL HU winner for a future leg. Thanks for your co-operation.

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Re: Poker Player Magazine - Heads Up Challenge Aw, thanks lads. I've sent an e-mail and hope it ain't too late. Only one's qualified so far so if not this month, there's still at least one more chance. I'm gonna refine my heads-up strategy a little. I'd like it to be a late night heads-up but we'll see what conditions they set. The first challenger got thumped 3-0 by skrabe and the second challenger got lucky and won 2-1 against minjita. I'd love a shot at skrabe but I've developed an irrational fear of Scandinavian poker players. :unsure

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Re: Poker Player Magazine - Heads Up Challenge UPDATE: No update to speak of. I think Dennis Publishing, don't like me as they haven't called or e-mailed me back...maybe my argument wasn't convincing enough? Oh well. :(). They'll put up any half-hearted article about a football match (a terrible one about backing Everton or laying West Ham on Wednesday springs to mind) but they didn't put up my reality TV show finals/Poker Million previews for Inside Edge (sister magazine to Poker Player if you didn't know already). Played my first HU for cash just (albeit only a tiddly $2 one) over on the 32Red skin (RunDMC's doing alright in the $320 Friday night freeroll as he's in the top 16 out of 438. Me? I finished 28th!). My opponent 'harmoniser' was a right aggressive fella from the start going all-in for the first fourteen hands! I had to do my ducking-and-weaving routine and let his aggressiveness get the better of him as I called with pocket kings and he goes all-in with A9o. :\ Luck factor is everything I suppose and I dodged an ace and runner-runner that would have finished me off. Killed him around eight hands later when he limped with nines and represented an ace on a board of KhAdQh. Me? For 270 chips, I called with K5o for better or worse. :lol ....not good for anyone's sanity, these low-level HU games. :unsure

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Re: Poker Player Magazine - Heads Up Challenge I recieved this on the 13th; Thanks for the email - we will definitely keep it in mind. Many thanks, Rick Less than enthusiastic response I'm afraid. :( stereoman, do you play the boss media HU MTT's? 9pm start with a $5 buy in. The standard varies, but worth playing imo.

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Re: Poker Player Magazine - Heads Up Challenge Just had this mail through from Poker Player Mag - They want you mate :ok Hope you're free to make it. Well done to everyone sending them emails for making this happen!!!!!

Hi Trevor Just read your email about Stereoman winning your head's up compo and thought he deserved a shot playing for TeamPokerPlayer :) I know it's extremely short notice but would he be free to play on Monday evening, with the best of three to take place at 7, 8 and 9.00pm? We would need a bit more stuff before we can go ahead (a photo of Stereoman we can print in the mag, along with the short profile to include name, resides, best poker moment, worst poker moment, style of play, and the reason he plays poker.) If you can confirm all that, and provide a telephone number I can contact him on on the day, we're good to go. Look forward to hearing from you... Dave
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Re: Poker Player Magazine - Heads Up Challenge HA!! Looks like they didn't get my e-mail. Looks like you're my agent for now, GaF (I'd make a catty remark about the fact they responded to the guy who appeared on TV and not the nobody but what the hey, this ain't the time nor the place and hey, I've got a foot in the door). :lol :tongue2 7pm to 9pm on Monday? Well that puts a slight spanner in the works. I may even have another sick day just to do this (I work from 5:45pm to 9:45pm weekdays). I'm gonna have to cram like I've never crammed before! :loon :spank OOOH!! I'm all giddy! :lol Looks like I'll have to PM my profile to you, GaF.

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Re: Poker Player Magazine - Heads Up Challenge D'oh!! I'll do that. Give me a few hours for me to come up with something though....it's a busy night for most of us here on the PL! :lol Get your odds here! stereoman versus 'Team PokerRoom' Outright odds to win: stereoman 13/8, 'Team PokerRoom' 4/9 Correct score betting: 3-0 stereoman win - 5/1, 3-0 'Team PokerRoom' win - evens 2-1 stereoman win - 3/1, 2-1 'Team PokerRoom' win - 7/4 Who'll win the first hand? stereoman 6/4, 'Team PokerRoom' 1/2 Who'll win the last hand? stereoman 2/1, 'Team PokerRoom' 1/3 First to declare all-in? stereoman 5/6, 'Team PokerRoom' 5/6 Who'll win the first game? stereoman 5/4, 'Team PokerRoom' 4/7 Who'll win the second game? stereoman 5/4, 'Team PokerRoom' 4/7 Who'll win the third game? stereoman 5/4, 'Team PokerRoom' 4/7 I'm even tempted to give Graham Sharpe a ring and ask for odds on myself! :rollin

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Re: Poker Player Magazine - Heads Up Challenge BAH!! Someone's already registered 'StereoMan' (scummer and a capital in the middle as well?) and 'stereoman007' over at PokerRoom (fokking tasteless cnut! What the fcuk is that about!?). :@ Downloaded the software just to get a general feel of what to expect if that's possible (taking some time, feels like half-an-hour just to install it). I'll be playing as 'stereomanuk' and giving the editor of Poker Player a phone call on Monday (I don't care that I'm skiving work to do this. Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and my ego's got the better of me! :)). Still thinking about what to put down for the piddly profile thing. I'm not happy with the digital photo of me as it makes me look a right moody cnut (you'll see my disembodied head on Rocky Marciano's body! :rollin). Playing at low-low-limit HU (less than $0.50 despite what I said) over at VCPoker and my record is W2-L1. First match was a loss after going on tilt and going all-in with K8o when they were holding pocket aces. D'oh!! Second match was a little better but then they decided to go all-in each hand with the excuse that they were late for work (what a cnut). Doubled them up twice trying to kill 'em off and finally I took a stand with K7s. They were holding KQo! King on the flop meant only a 7 could save me....and I got it on the river. Pheew!! Third match was slightly more tactical but my opponent unfortunately couldn't hit the flop most of the time and then a pivotal hand where I'm holding a pair of 9s. AJ6 flop. He bet, I call. An Ace on the turn. Both check. Seven on the river. he goes all in, I have enough chips that it wouldn't hurt me too much to call and find out. He's holding a pair of 4s, I win. Um. ....will play a few more heads-up matches for cash (maybe some that actual feels like money! :lol)..

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Re: Poker Player Magazine - Heads Up Challenge Three low-level limit matches on VC Poker and my first $5 heads-up match on 32Red (OOOH! :rollin). W3 L1 today so far. Maybe the structure I feel is better for me over on 32Red (each level has 10 hands and has no time limit) but I won it in ten hands! A made straight on the turn (5-to-9) more or less killed him. A9 over A4 finished him off with 9 being a higher kicker. Ker-CHING!! False sense of superiority and ability. :lol EDIT: Just finished playing a second $5 heads-up just against one of them aggressive Scandinavians (ansundne) which played a little like the second heads-up below where they raised before every flop and bet a sizeable amount on the flop regardless of what they had below except they represented a king on the turn and I had made two pair (Ks and 8s). They had a pair of solitary 9s. Lovely jubbly. First heads-up on VC Poker was unmemorable, the fella didn't suspect the check-raise on the turn as I had trip 3s and he went over the top. Soon killed him off afterwards. Second heads-up was a nightmare, with the fella raising every single hand and betting the same amount on the flop. I couldn't get a handle on the bastard and I couldn't connect with the flop either. I do not want this at 7pm to happen. I tilted and went all-in with JTd only to run into AKo. Ouch. Only for 10 piddly cents but it's the thought that counts. Third was OK, we were trading punches and then they disconnected. Um. Overall record: W6 L2. If I start getting big-headed, I'm gonna lose. :( Played a $10-$20 fixed limit 'heads-up match' (play money) over on PokerRoom to test it out and the stuff I was getting away with was outrageous. Beat the other fella though and that's all that counts. PR has a reputation of giving out some outrageously bad beats....and after dishing them out, I can see why! :rollin :spank

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Re: Poker Player Magazine - Heads Up Challenge Anybody got their fourth issue of Poker Player magazine yet? I just got mine in the post just. Christ, there's a little bit of pressure on for me. Some woman won 2-1! :eek I win 2-1. Score is 6-6. I win 3-0, score is 7-5. I lose 2-1, score is 5-7. I lose 3-0 and it's 4-8. Hope my performance matches the US Mosconi Cup team and not the European Mosconi Cup team! :lol

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