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Is tonight the night????

Guest gazza271

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Re: Is tonight the night????

Well GaF' date=' Is it tonight that we will all be glued to Challenge TV ???:)[/quote'] $h!t - yes - I'm getting nervous........... I've gone over that final hand so many times since (I had KdTd and he had 5d2d) - flop hits 28T - I do my string bet and he gets a free turn card - 2 for trips - he raises aggressively - then I went all-in - I DIDN'T FOR ONE SECOND CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITY HE HAD A 2 - I'd made my newbie mistake and was certain he was just trying to bully me off the hand - I didn't consider his cards at all - What a MUPPET!!!!! And I don't wanna be on tele ........ I have nightmares about the interviews they did - I was so nervous and couldn't say anything - so they kept feeding me lines and I mixed them up :$ Gawd knows what it'll sound like .... Between seats 3 and 4, they have a cable and big box attatched to the floor - walking in I (slightly) tripped over it - walking out, I tripped over it quite badly - I thought they'd edit it out - but I've seen other people do it, so they don't :$
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Guest gazza271

Re: Is tonight the night???? Mate, AT LEAST YOU GOT THERE! Many of us tried and failed. I've never played a live game and would make the same mistakes, you will learn from the experiance and be a better player for it:ok I will however piss myself if i see you tripping over!!!!:lol

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Re: Is tonight the night????

Was Ronnie in your game? If so thats awesome :lol
Not for long - he went out to real Muppet play - can't remember if it was first or second hand. Followed shortly afterwards by some rich banker who bought his way in .... then it was me - all 3 of us went out to the same player!!! He must have been laughing.......
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Re: Is tonight the night????

I don't get this station :( Anyone fancy ripping it for a torrent (I can upload the torrent) so those of us without tv can watch?
I'll be recording it tonight so if anyone has the necessary skills to make it readily available I'll provide the DVD! :ok Sorry GaF? there's just no escaping this! :rollin
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Re: Is tonight the night????

I'll be recording it tonight so if anyone has the necessary skills to make it readily available I'll provide the DVD! :ok
I can do that, if u wanna post the DVD i can encode it to avi or mpg or something - or even better could talk you through it on messenger, not that difficult, then if you send it to me file transfer and I can sort out a torrent so everyone can grab it. :ok Kinda not worth it if I'm the only one without challenge TV tho - anyone else interested in seeing this?
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Re: Is tonight the night????

I can do that' date=' if u wanna post the DVD i can encode it to avi or mpg or something - or even better could talk you through it on messenger, not that difficult, then if you send it to me file transfer and I can sort out a torrent so everyone can grab it. :ok Kinda not worth it if I'm the only one without challenge TV tho - anyone else interested in seeing this?[/quote'] I'm away from home for a couple of weeks (and my sky dish) so would be interested in watching it when I get home if someone would be willing to send me their vhs tape or dvd (I'll pay all postage costs and unlike 'Vision On' will return the recording). Cheers
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Re: Is tonight the night????

No!!!!!! :$ :$
:rollin:rollin:rollin Seriously tho, more than happy to encode this and put up a public torrent if there's enough interest (say 3-4 people+). If not, wouldn't mind seeing it myself, and be happy to drop an SAE to anyone with a spare DVD of it. I got rid of my TV like a year ago, cos I realised I only ever watched the poker channel, which i can watch online :D
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Re: Is tonight the night???? i've been looking forward to seeing this episode for ages and it would have to be on the one night i'm going out...staff xmas party...:beer . i'll record it then watch it when i get home pissed wi all that free drink:rollin :nana . looking forward to it . well done gotafancy on getting that far. :clap

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Re: Is tonight the night???? I'll have a go at encoding it and putting it up for download. I'll break it into a few files (where the adverts kick-in) so that those of us using dial-up can get a hold of it without too much difficulty. It will be tomorrow afternoon/night before I get round to it though. I'll post links for the downloads when I have them. If it all goes a bit Pete Tong, I'll get a disc to guesswest for him to have a go at. If anyone else wants a copy after that feel free to PM me. :ok

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Re: Is tonight the night????

That looks like great TV!!!! :ok :ok :ok :ok
Stop tryin to deflect attention away from the other big game.:spank All the guys that i play poker with will be watchin out for you. Only if we just get a good read on how you play your cards in a tourny then when you steal my raises i might have an idea that its with Donkey Poo cards;)
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Re: Is tonight the night???? Okay GAF, I've got a mate in the old pirate DVD business - he's doing me a special rush order of tonights episode (200 copies) and they'll be on sale at a car boot sale near you on Sunday for £1.50 each or 4 for £5!!:lol :lol :lol :lol I think the next time you're in contention for a place on telly you might go on tilt!! :loon Enjoy it mate and it'll soon be Brael and Fenner's turn so you'll get your own back. :ok

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Re: Is tonight the night????

Only if we just get a good read on how you play your cards in a tourny then when you steal my raises i might have an idea that its with Donkey Poo cards;)
You'll be lucky - I get knocked out right at the end of Level 2 (just under 1 hour of play time) - I think I only saw one flop - and that was the hand I was knocked out on. My "game plan" for the first 2 levels was to be tight (Very tight) but aggressive (very aggressive) - it was working well - I tried not to give the other players any information about me or my game - and I liked the table image I'd developed - Level 3 (which I never saw) was where I was going to start cranking up my game, playing quite Loose Aggressive by Level 4 ....... unfortunately not...... That DAMN string bet (I'll be interested to see it tonight to see just how clearcut it was!!). Hehe - I liked it, I was so quiet, one of them asked me if I was a librarian, I simply said yes, and that was that :lol
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