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Welcome to PL Patchman


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Re: Welcome to PL Patchman Quality Thankyou for friendly Welcome. Been Playing about 18 months now . Down a conservative 3K So wife a bit peeved. Now playing free rollers and action point multis. A lot more fun and costs nothing. Now I appreciate $20 rather than just go back to the bank every time I lose. Its making me a much better player.. Laters :cow :nana :cheers Quality Smilies :clap

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Re: Welcome to PL Patchman hi, patchman :welcome l joined at weekend and got same welcome and great advice,sorry i did,nt take it!.after getting pissed on friday night,i stayed off it on sat night(see my post sat).my wife was away on business,so i was on my own.after watching the usual sat nite drivel on tv,i thought i would have a friendly game on betfair.i have a fair amount of money in my account due to sports betting.anyway,i started off at low stakes with 20$.after winning 20$,i moved on to slightly higher stakes with 30quid.again i moved up to higher stakes.by the time the sun was rising,i was 250 quid up.thinking this game was easy,i was feeling quite smug.then i got nailed with a couple of bad flops(me not reading it right).cut a long story short.i lost the 250,plus another 200,WHAT A PLONKER. should have listened to guys here.i finish with an appeal,i still like the game but will never risk that amount again(i cringe now thinking about it)where can i play a cheap realistic game(thats an appeal to anyone)whats this rollover thing?.all the best.

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Re: Welcome to PL Patchman Portman. Seen your Thread. Sorry for your losses it hurts. I done that so many times. Keep switching tables put half in bank roll half on higher limits. Its gr8 fun. When u started losing u could have gone to bed ( I wonder if u were drinking) I usually was. I tell u truth mate cos Im same. Your a gambler it dont matter if you win $200 $2000 $20000 Im serious. Millionaire footballers gamble. I stopped using my own money " weeks ago and I feel a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Play free rolls. Download 20 - 30 sites abd trawl them find 10 decent free rolls and when u play play survival. say to yourself I will finish in the monet whatever. No gambling only play when i believe im in front not try to catch a river flush. You may suprise yourself. And after 2 to 3 hrs if u do well u will be rewarded between $50 and $1. But you feel; great. you can take $x to a $1 / $2 tourney 9 players or 2c 4c live table and well you will look after that $2 more than you ever looked after ur own $50 $100 from bank. Because u worked so hard for. When your a really good player you wont need the free rolls because u will have used the winnings of a free roll and built up slowly a $500 to $5000 bank roll and u will be a very good player because only good players could that. I vow to never use my own money to play poker again. If I cant earn it in a free roll then tough. Will try again tomorrow. Good Luck

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Re: Welcome to PL Patchman

thanx for sympathy patch' date='taught me a lesson i wont forget.can someone tell me a step by step way of using free rolls.would be much appreciated.[/quote'] Hi portman. Gosh where to start. Right, using my experiences you want poker sites with low numbers and frequent freerolls. Well the 3 that I'd personally suggest are BetFred (although not as good as was), Poker.com, and Sporting Odds. Also Blue Square bankroll booster freeroll looks loke it's becoming a permanent fixture. I'd also be glued to the excellent 'poker diary' as we do keep our eyes out and point each other towards value tourneys like the Betfair City AM freerolls.(OK you need to finish 1st or 2nd but £100 for 2nd from 100-200 entrants is a nice start). Then its just a case of making it to the money. If you can do that on Sporting Odds and get a couple of dollars together you could then enter the Dollar Up MTT that adds $500 to the prize fund, with entrants of about 150. PL generally have at least 1 on the final table, with a 1st prize of nearly $200, with 10th getting about $11-12. It really is a case of quantity, not quality if you want to build your 'roll in this way, but as someone who has I can assure you that you view your winnings (even the few cents) with pride and guard it jealously. I am less interested in freerolls now, because I think I've earned my stripes, and am now on 'level 2'. That is have cash winnings available to me to pick what I play. That doesn't mean I've stopped altogether, just a little more selective. Also get yourself a neteller account, if you don't have one already. This will allow you to keep your poker money apart from your 'own' money. If there's anything else you need, just holler. I've only been playing a few months and now my poker is :hope self-sufficient, but then I don't play cash games.
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