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PL Heads Up Tourney - Important Announcement

Big Andy

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Ok then folks, I`m delighted to announce that the forthcoming Punter`s Lounge Heads Up Tourney is now a ..........................................

:nana freeroll !!!:nana

The man you have to thank for this is our very own "slapdash"

He has very kindly offered to donate any winnings from his Sports-Punter campaign as prize money for our tourney if we make it a freeroll. For those not aware of it, slapdash has a very commanding lead at the minute and the competition runs until the end of the year. A 1st place finish would mean he`d win £300, and 2nd would be £150, so potentially we`re looking at a tourney prize pool of £300 :eek . He`s also promised, that should disaster strike, he`ll put up £150 of his own dosh in the event he finishes out of the money over at Sports-Punter. The only requirement for this freeroll is that you must have made 20 posts prior to the close of registration on midnight Sunday. This will obviously allow you to use the private message facility to arrange your matches. So for those that are frantically setting up paypal or neteller accounts, don`t bother, there`s absolutely no need now, thanks to slapdash.

Don`t forget, registration ends midnight Sunday 20th. The deadline will be strictly enforced, latecomers won`t be let in. Don`t put your name in here, just add to the main thread.

Thanks slapdash, you`re a diamond !!!

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Re: PL Heads Up Tourney - Important Announcement I'm absolutely gobsmacked by this - this is an incredible gesture Slapdash - thank you very very very much. I think this demonstrates the huge sense of "giving" that has been developed within the Poker Community - though we have seen nothing anywhere near as generous as this before from an individual, I think this does demonstrate the spirit we have developed within the community. Slapdash, you're a star!!!!!! :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

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Re: PL Heads Up Tourney - Important Announcement Well said Gaf, it`s a fine fine gesture indeed by the man. I`ve just spoken to PR and he`s more than willing to provide a trophy/cup for the winner of this tourney. So that leads me to the question of what the tourney should be called ? Should it be as formal as the "slapdash heads up cup" or should it be a quirky and amusing one ? It goes without saying that it should celebrate the fella thats bankrolled this tourney so get your suggestions down in this thread folks.:ok

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Guest gazza271

Re: PL Heads Up Tourney - Important Announcement Totally echo the thoughts above of Paul and GaF, Since i joined PL I have been surprised by the spirit and friendship here and this is well just an unbelievable gesture. Not sure what else to say slap other than a great big THANK YOU:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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Re: PL Heads Up Tourney - Important Announcement

So that leads me to the question of what the tourney should be called ? Should it be as formal as the "slapdash heads up cup" or should it be a quirky and amusing one ? It goes without saying that it should celebrate the fella thats bankrolled this tourney so get your suggestions down in this thread folks
Let Slapdash name it. Or given todays events at Man utd. How about the Roy Keane memorial trophy?wink2.gif
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Re: PL Heads Up Tourney - Important Announcement

How about the PuntersLounge.com Heads Up Trophy?:unsure
I second that. I hope that not having to fiddle around with paypal/neteller will mean that lots of you who hadn't yet decided to enter will now do so ... so get a move on! I've got a lot from Punters Lounge over the last year or so, especially the Poker Forum, and I always regarded any prize money I might get from sports-punter.com as just a bonus, so it's no big deal ... especially since I intend to win this thing, anyway, and get most of my money back!
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Re: PL Heads Up Tourney - Important Announcement Slapdash. I've sat with the message box empty for half an hour whilst I tried to think of something original to add to what has already been said. All I can do is second everything (complimentary) that has been said already. Thanks for the very generous donation.:ok :clap :clap :clap :clap

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Re: PL Heads Up Tourney - Important Announcement :cheers :cheers ........ :nana.......... :nana..........:nana ........ :nana.......... :nana..........:nana ........ :nana................ :cheers:nana ........ :nana........................:nana .................................. :nana....................Slapdash .............................. ...............................You're a true gentleman .............................................................:ok

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Re: PL Heads Up Tourney - Important Announcement As i can't play heads-up (dodgy connection), i hadn't paid much attention to this thread. Look at what i've been missing!!! Saint Slapdash you should be called. Very generous of you and i'm sure much appreciated all 'round. (especially by the winners ;)) Ditto to all acclamations above. :ok

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