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Poker in soaps


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Re: Poker in soaps There was one a few years back, they were running a card school in the late night cafe. Mark fowler ended up putting his stall on the line (see, it's first rule of soap pokersmile2.gif). Turns out 2 of the other fellas were colluding and using marked cards. Mark didn't lose his stall, I think thats the second rule.

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Re: Poker in soaps I remember there was one between Dirty Den and that wannabe gangster type Andy. Round Dens flat it was. They ended up wagering the club against the Queen vic. Andy won but didnt take it as he said Den was just a sad old man and I guess he felt he won the moral victory. Personally I woulda check raised on the turn on the semi bluff with the Queen Vic but whatever.

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Re: Poker in soaps

  1. The good guys get good hands
  2. The bad guys get better
  3. Royal flushes are extremely common
  4. Poker games in the UK are used in 'showdown' situations
  5. Poker games in the US are bonding sessions between pals
  6. All characters are prepared to wager huge amounts of money/collateral despite never showing any interest/aptitude before or after the particular 'poker' episode.

Anyway swampster where can we read this article par excellence?

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Re: Poker in soaps There was an episode of Friends years ago with a poker game. The boys didn't want to let the girls play cos they thought they were rubbish. So the girls got some old women to teach them how to play. Then the 6 of them played. Ross and Rachael ending up in the big hand, borrowing money from the rest of them, at the showdown Rachael showed something decent, Ross had it beat but mucked it cos he luuuved her. Ah the good old days:tongue2

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Poker in soaps From http://www.bbc.co.uk/drama/hustle/episodeguide_seriestwo_episode5.shtml

When Stacie claps eyes on her estranged husband Jake (played by Max Beesley), who left her five years ago taking everything she owned with him, she's certain he is to be the gang's next mark. Having graduated from the short con world to the professional poker circuit, he's good and he won't be an easy target. But the team swear to exact revenge on him for Stacie. Albert introduces himself to Jake, explaining that he's organised a high stakes game with some big name players, and he wants to take a Daddy's boy - aka Danny in disguise - for everything he's got. The game isn't enough to keep Jake in town though, but as he gets up to leave, he sees Stacie with Mickey, an old enemy. It's clear they've made a cosy life together and he is riled by it. He tries to explain to Stacie that he didn't just walk out; he was in real trouble and his life was in danger. Mickey can feel the chemistry is still there between Stacie and Jake and is concerned that Stacie may be falling for her ex again. Jake finally agrees to take part in the poker game and it's not long before the first two players are out of the game. However, Jake proves harder to beat than the gang initially thought and Stacie seems to let her conscience get the better of her and secretly tells Jake that he's being set up. As Jake cleans the gang out, Stacie leaves with him. Is Stacie really prepared to leave her friends for love? Or has she really got another card up her sleeve....?
Doesn't give the ending:$. From what I remember I think Stacie switched the briefcases at the guys apartment and leaves with thecash. Not 100% about it though.
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Re: Poker in soaps

there was some poker in an "Only Fools and Horses" episode too. Del Boy and Boycey were cheating and Del Boy put up everything in his flat' date=' Triggers car was in the bet too.[/quote'] That episode is a classic :nana Boycey thinks he's got Del by the short and curlies with his four, up-the-sleeve Kings, until Del Boy produces four aces. "Where d'you get those aces Del Boy?" "Same place you got those kings." :lol
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  • 5 years later...

Re: Poker in soaps Just watching the opening to last nights Hustle - Albert declares 2 pair, and his opponent gleefully declares his full house wins then and goes to collect the pot - as he's doing so, Albert shows one pair of nines and another pair of nines for quads.... I imagine if you tried that in a casino ...... :lol :lol :lol :lol

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Re: Poker in soaps

Just watching the opening to last nights Hustle - Albert declares 2 pair, and his opponent gleefully declares his full house wins then and goes to collect the pot - as he's doing so, Albert shows one pair of nines and another pair of nines for quads.... I imagine if you tried that in a casino ...... :lol :lol :lol :lol
Where did you find this thread :rollin
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Re: Poker in soaps

Where did you find this thread :rollin
It took me ages to find ( I knew it was here somewhere) - I couldnt get it through the PL search and only got there in the end with Google (the other thread that kept coming up was this one - but it wasnt really the right one :tongue2 http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f63/greatest-tv-poker-scenes-94966/)
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Re: Poker in soaps

Just watching the opening to last nights Hustle - Albert declares 2 pair, and his opponent gleefully declares his full house wins then and goes to collect the pot - as he's doing so, Albert shows one pair of nines and another pair of nines for quads.... I imagine if you tried that in a casino ...... :lol :lol :lol :lol
Wonder what would be frowned upon most - that, or string betting....
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