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At long last, the PL Heads Up Tourney is here folks !!!!

Big Andy

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Punter`s Lounge Heads Up Tournament

Tournament host is TBC.

This tourney is a freeroll.

The format is Texas Hold Em - No Limit. Each match will be best of 3 games. Players will not be seeded.

The tournament will be a straightforward cup style knockout. (draw format to confirmed when registration is closed)

Prizes will be allocated as followed 1st - 50% 2nd - 30% 3rd - 15% 4th - 5% Following registration, tournament admin will specify a time window for matches of each round to be completed. It will be the responsiblity of the players to arrange their own matches, and to announce results using a dedicated thread within the forum. By all means use email, pm, msn etc to arrange games but could both parties please confirm the dates and times for all games in the dedicated thread before they happen. This might appear long winded, but we need a record of sorts incase of any "no shows". If a player fails to turn up for a game after agreeing a time to play a match, he is allowed 1 more chance in that round to agree and play it. Another "no show" means he forfeits his match. If a player has previously arranged to play a match and then can`t for whatever reason, providing he informs his opponent in the dedicated thread, it will not count as a no show.

Does it need to be anymore complicated that this ?


OK then folks, none of the above is cast in stone as yet, I`d welcome any suggestions, questions or pointers if i`ve missed something important.

So if you`re interested, reply in this thread with your preferred method of payment for the buy-in.

and we`ll take it from there.................:ok

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Re: At long last, the PL Heads Up Tourney is here folks !!!!

How long will the time window for matches be?
mate, I can`t say for certain at this stage as I`d like to get an idea of the numbers before any firm decision is made on time windows etc. But what I can say for sure is that there wont be any major rush and the windows will be as reasonable as we can make them without drawing the tourney out unneccesarilly. we can always get opinions on it too when registration is finished, let everybody have an input :ok
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Re: At long last, the PL Heads Up Tourney is here folks !!!!

I'm in Andy, you know you'll get commission taken off the entry fees don't you?:unsure Anyway, I'll make the difference up. ;)
yes mate, I knew there`d be some deductions, i`d have covered them but if you insist :lol
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Re: At long last, the PL Heads Up Tourney is here folks !!!!

Any idea as to when this will start?
gaz, I dont see any reason why we cant tie up registration, get the payments sorted, and get the draw made within the next 10 days or so. so 2 weeks max and we could be rolling. Is that too soon or not soon enough folks ?
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Re: At long last, the PL Heads Up Tourney is here folks !!!!

You know you can count me in Big Andy. I'll pay by Neteller.
Sounds good to me, but how? Erm, Well done mate. I know you've been working on it for a bit now. GaF? kinda let us know you were making progress with it. Thanks for putting the effort in. :clap :ok :notworthy I forgot to ask, Can we play the final on the 3rd Dec.?
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Re: At long last, the PL Heads Up Tourney is here folks !!!! Count me in. :ok Paypal please. but I'm away for two weeks from 19/11 until 3or4/12. Taking my laptop as want to play the SO envy final (and the Sun freeroll on 28/11 if haven't already qualified !) but awkward cos cottage in Suffolk has no mobile signal (and only a 'plumbed in' payphone !). So, if my playing opening round after 4th December messes things up just say. cheers

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