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Finnish Basketball League-Dennis Rodman

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This is not exactly a betting thread but i think its worth to mention. I dont know how many of you noticed but Dennis Rodman played in the match of Torapn Poyat-Honka. The previous night of the match he was drinking at a local bar until 5am threatening the owner not to close the place. He then went straight to the stadium, but since he fould it empty as he was hours early he decided to pay a visit to the cafeteria and had 5 plates of mash potatoes with meatballs. Then he went strainght into the game (didnt even go into the locker rooms) scored 17 pts in 28 minutes, got paid 50 000 euros and went back to USA. For the history it was the only match there was a sold out with 7500 tickets.:notworthy

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