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888.com UK Open


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Re: 888.com UK Open

Don't think you are gonna be able to keep it to yourself are you?
No - not going to keep it to myself - with 2 weeks till it's broadcast, I think it's too long .... coming up in a moment .....just typing a brief report ....... lol
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Re: 888.com UK Open Well, the dream is over!!!!! I played good solid, aggressive poker ....... I barely got a hand at all ...... so because I was playing tight, and had the right table image, I played a few hands I didn't intend playing. I played them aggressively - 5x BB pre flop - noone went with me and noone called me - so picked up chips and noone saw any of my cards .....I had them scared when I played - perfectly to plan ...... I was in 2nd and going strong. (the leader was a mile clear) there were two players (Ronnie O'Sullivan and A.N.Other) - who busted out early with all ins with little hope ...... both to the chip leader - so he had tripled up!! Just 4 of us left - at level 2 - everyone folded to SB (chip leader) who called (he had 25s). I had KTs. Flop was rag, 2 and Ten. So I had top pair - he had bottom pair. I raised him to Pot plus his bet (which he confirmed later he would have folded to........) - except I didn't say anything, just put the chips in!! I counted them out, went "over the boundry line" and dropped them in - BUGGER - string bet - I was made to take my chips out and only allowed to call!!! He had a free card. Fcuking 2!!! He had hit trips!!!! He raised about 80,000 and I went all in, naturally he called - no help on the river and it was over!!!!!!! Fourth place!! Really happy with the way I played, everything going to plan UNTIL that one stupid error. Talk about GUTTED!!!!!!

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Re: 888.com UK Open Remember the experience you have had. Some people would have given their right arm to have been in your shoes. The way you went out was unfortunate, but you are good enough (and clever enough) to learn from that and go on to become a better player. You did PL proud just by getting there, and I'm certain it won't be the last time you'll be told that.

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Re: 888.com UK Open Its when you act as if you are going to call by moving enough chips to call into the middle and then raising. You could use a string bet to test your opponents reaction and give you an idea as to the strength of their hand. If you want to raise in a live game you should announce it before moving any chips into the pot.

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