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Question for the experienced

Burt Saddo

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I seem to be struggling quite a bit lately, had some bad beats but the majority of it is bad play and I am struggling to find any discipline and patience in MTT's. Do you think a person's game can benefit from taking a break for a while and stripping your play down and analysing it a bit like the top golfers do?

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Re: Question for the experienced Burt I went through a very bad patch a few months ago. I basically lost 75% of my bank after winning quite a lot. I decided to take a break and didnt play poker for about a month. I then returned and played a few small MTT and small cash games. I have now built up my balance again. Admittedly it's not as high as it was but its coming back. My advice would be to take a break. Then start again from the beginning with low amounts. Also what you have to remember not everyone can be a god poker player, not everyone can win. Also ask yourself am i a good player and where can i improve.

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Re: Question for the experienced For me, I think the key is analysing it ..... and I've recently discovered just the tool ..... Poker Tracker - I splashed out a week ago, and feel it has already given me valuable insight into my play (and I have changed certain things because of it). The wealth of information is incredible - and live info on opponents, overlaid on the table, in game. Anyone who is serious about their poker should get it (you can try it for nothing - the program works fully for your first 1000 hands). This is mainly for ring games, it is poorer with tournament play (which is harder to analyse). First of all, think how you imagine you play/want to play - then check if that really is the way you play (and if not, why not) - you may be surprised (I was!!!)

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Re: Question for the experienced There's an excellent series of articles here which give you a guide to getting started with the software ...... if you try it, I strongly recommend you print them of and study them ....... Does anyone else actually already use this? I don't want to totally hijack Burts thread, but I think if anyone else uses it seriously, it would be worth having a thread where we could discuss how to use it and exchange ideas........ Gametime+ is the add on that overlays opponents stats directly over a live table (link from the pokertracker web site)

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Re: Question for the experienced Burt, Think the first thing to take in is that this happens to everyone at some point. I'm going through a dreadful spell myself thats now stretched for 6 months. Before that I was winning $30k tournaments on Ladbrokes (though I can't prove the $9k first prize with a screenshot ;) although Jezza's good proof!), Rounders tourneys on B365 and was hitting the money in a high number of the MTTs I was entering. When my bad spell started, I stopped enjoying playing and decided to take a break for about 3 months, both for my sanity and my bank balance. Since then, I've played mainly for enjoyment (low stake tourneys and freerolls) whilst I try and play myself back 'into form'. At the moment, I'm still being beaten by outrageous bad beats all of the time and the occasional poor play but things will change. As long as you are playing the right way and doing the right things, it will change. I haven't reached a final table now for months but know that I'm doing the right things again. Just a matter of time until it starts to pay off. As soon as you lose your patience though mate, its time to take a break!

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