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**PL MTT Tourny** Monday 24th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up


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Re: **PL MTT Tourny** Monday 24th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up

Finally got logged into sporting odds' date=' it kept telling me my username, or password were wrong:unsure ............................. then it decided they weren't :lol[/quote'] Me to, but that must have been hell for you with your memory. :unsure:rollin
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Re: **PL MTT Tourny** Monday 24th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up

Me to, but that must have been hell for you with your memory. :unsure:rollin
:rollin :rollin :rollin thats why i have it set up to save my password ....................... I knew it couldn't be wrong since it was exactly how i had logged in last time ;)
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Guest gazza271

Re: **PL MTT Tourny** Monday 24th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up just walked in from work,kissed the missus,cuddled the daughter,opened a beer and now set for the night........count me in.......hoo yah:clap

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Re: **PL MTT Tourny** Monday 24th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up I won't be playing tonight as I'm finding these tourneys play havoc with my sleep. I'm still playing the game when I shut my eyes! :zzz It was about 04:30 before I got to sleep after The Sun final last Monday and I had to be up at 7am. Needless to say I was a complete zombie at work the next day... still don't know how I survived that! :\ I'll be back though for the inter forum tourney and PL league games at the weekend. Enjoy tonight! :clap

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Guest gazza271

Re: **PL MTT Tourny** Monday 24th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up

Will be there' date=' but leaving for London insanely early tomorrow morning, so should really go to bed at 10:30 or so... not that I'm expecting to last that long![/quote'] Where abouts in London you gonna be mate, I work in east London
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