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Tonights freeroll on Nordic Bet


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Re: Tonights freeroll on Nordic Bet That was the most unbelievable tourney! Got dealt AKo again. Went all-in and got called for the first time in nearly an hour. He showed AQo and of course a Q appeared on the river. Left me with 250 chips on the big blind. Everyone folded around to the small blind. He raised forcing me all-in. I had Q8 against his Q5. 5 appears on the flop and I'm out! :lol

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Re: Tonights freeroll on Nordic Bet Very tempted to keep this one to myself, but can't in good conscience not share it. Awesome freeroll starting in 30 mins on eurolinx. 2k, but gonna have i'd say 200 people in tops, got 100 entrants yesterday, so awesome value. It's the site that expekt is gonna turn into tomorrow with the changeover, but not up as a download on expekt's site yet, so most ppl don't know it's there. www.eurolinx.com, you have time :ok

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Re: Tonights freeroll on Nordic Bet

Very tempted to keep this one to myself' date=' but can't in good conscience not share it. Awesome freeroll starting in 30 mins on eurolinx. 2k, but gonna have i'd say 200 people in tops, got 100 entrants yesterday, so awesome value. It's the site that expekt is gonna turn into tomorrow with the changeover, but not up as a download on expekt's site yet, so most ppl don't know it's there. www.eurolinx.com, you have time bigokay.gif
whats your username and i'll refer you....... gets you $50 once i make 1000 action pointsbigokay.gif
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Re: Tonights freeroll on Nordic Bet

whats your username and i'll refer you....... gets you $50 once i make 1000 action pointsbigokay.gif
Damn - Sorry Guesswest - just signed up for a new account without spotting that :sad I used to have an Expekt account, but can't remember the ID or get a reminder sent out - hope there was no dosh in it :unsure
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