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**PL MTT Tourney** Monday 10th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up


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Re: **PL MTT Tourney** Monday 10th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up

That's me out in 29th and to our very own PocketLady. First hand I bluffed all night too! :lol Not sure how you called my all-in with you holding 99 to a Q55 flop though. :nana Was it female intuition that I was blagging? :lol
It was to be honest wink2.gif - I nearly didn't call Braels All in too but knew I should. My moniker as PL Assasin still stands. I think that I took out 4 of you guys. dude.gif I'm out in 16th after losing most of my stack when I played AA and lost to a flush draw!banghead.gif Just tried to double up at the end as I was being swallowed by the blinds. We want a PL majority on the final table come on you guys. bowdown.gifcrossfingers.gif
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Re: **PL MTT Tourney** Monday 10th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up Piston - I think the final hand started before the other 5 arrived - so there were only 5 of you in it - so although you were a few places away from the button, you were the small blind, which was bigger than your stack, so had no choice but to go all in...... You can verify if this is right (or wrong) by checking what the hand history says.....

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Re: **PL MTT Tourney** Monday 10th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up Heres the log i posted the big blind but why should i have called Hand #114310349 at table: Dollar Up Started: Mon Oct 10 23:36:50 2005 pistnbroke is at seat 1 with 3449.00 pistnbroke posts the large blind 2400.00 Inorix: --, -- pistnbroke: 4c, 8d Zemax: --, -- balint6: --, -- SSpiersey: --, -- Pre-flop: Zemax: All in balint6: Fold SSpiersey: Call 4672.00 Inorix: Fold pistnbroke: Call 4672.00 Flop (Board: 9c, 10c, Qs): pistnbroke: Check SSpiersey: Bet 2400.00 pistnbroke: Fold

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Re: **PL MTT Tourney** Monday 10th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up Cheers GAF & everyone watching. A very similar story to last nights I'm afraid. Felt I didn't do much wrong apart from probably should have went all in with pocket Jacks 3 hands earlier instead of raising $4800. This gave the small Blind the chance to call and when the Ace flopped I knew he had it. :cry Had to go with the AKs even though I knew he had a pair. :@ Very enjoyable though and I'm improving. :dude

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Re: **PL MTT Tourney** Monday 10th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up I don't understand that Piston - how could you call for more chips than you had, then be folded, without being disconnected? May be worth an email to them to find out...... Didn't you get a showdown in the hand where you went out? I thought you did.....

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Re: **PL MTT Tourney** Monday 10th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up

One in six are PLs at the moment. If we don't get at least two on the final table, we're officially rubbish.
Three at the final table means we're officially godlike. Well done, guys, see y'all at the League game.
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Re: **PL MTT Tourney** Monday 10th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up Joking aside, i`m well chuffed with that. thats easily my best return from a MTT. First ever MTT was a $30 baptism of fire and I came about 15th or so of 400 to just about get back double my buy in. This one i`ve mulitplied my buy in by 30 or so, so that`ll do for me tommy. :ok

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Re: **PL MTT Tourney** Monday 10th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up Oh, and thanks so much to everybody for the support. I know what it`s like to be on the other side of the fence shouting PL`ers on, I love to see our guys and gals do well, it means a lot honestly. And although it was petty small fry compared to what we`ve seen in the past, it meant a lot to me. Gems the lot of ya !!:ok :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy to everybody

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Re: **PL MTT Tourney** Monday 10th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up I tell you what mate you deserve it. I was p'ssed off earlier so went looking for my dummy (so Mrs. V could play in peace), but I was kept informed and I'm really pleased for all the PLers who made the final table. The support the ousted players give is truly touching, and I think its the team spirit this place has that makes PL unique. Now take that yellow shirt off, you're stretching it.........oh ffs Andy did ou have to paint green stripes down it? :eyes Honestly, some people. I bet he gets curry down it too.

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