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**PL MTT Tourney** Monday 10th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up


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Re: **PL MTT Tourney** Monday 10th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up I'm gone in 72nd. Limped in with pockets 10s, flop = 873 rainbow. A guy with more chips goes all in. Didn't want to call but did anyway. He shows pocket QQ. Goodbye :wall . One crap decision after another :@

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Re: **PL MTT Tourney** Monday 10th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up

Out. A bunch of people limped in when I was big blind with 72o, so I did what had to be done, and two of them called with rubbish. The laws of probability with the standard 72o adjustment failed me.
Hehe - you were unfortunate MrM wasn't on your table at the time......
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Guest gazza271

Re: **PL MTT Tourney** Monday 10th October 9pm S.O. Dollar Up well i'm just trying to fold my way to the money.....jeez what absolute cr*p i've been getting....still means im gonna get all the pocket pairs about 8 hands running!

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