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Sporting Odds Muppets


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Valiant, I can't find the thread where you ask how I play on Sporting Odds, however wanted to share this with you, it is a great example, not so much of fine play by me, but of the muppets on SO......What on earth were they thinking? I'm on the $0.05/$0.10 table, sat down not long ago with the maximum $10, currently have $49...... Under normal circumstances, pushing with QQ like that probably isn't a good idea, and you have to expect a good chance of AA and KK from the callers - but I knew this was SO muppets!!! :lol I'm pleased to say, 2 of the 3 players in this hand have re cashed up and are back in...... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand #113513642 at table: Table TH Mini Started: Sun Oct 09 14:09:39 2005 Telepee is at seat 1 with 21.52 tweewee is at seat 2 with 1.70 poul1244 is at seat 3 with 7.31 Ono R. is at seat 4 with 9.00 Widra is at seat 5 with 12.23 impiMike is at seat 6 with 4.49 karayel is at seat 7 with 9.90 ralouchka is at seat 8 with 5.89 O@@o is at seat 9 with 15.54 pepsi444 is at seat 10 with 2.90 karayel posts the large blind 0.10 impiMike posts the small blind 0.05 impiMike: --, -- karayel: --, -- ralouchka: --, -- O@@o: --, -- pepsi444: --, -- Telepee: Qh, Qd tweewee: --, -- poul1244: --, -- Ono R.: --, -- Widra: --, -- Pre-flop: ralouchka: Fold O@@o: Fold pepsi444: Call 0.10 Telepee: Raise 0.50 tweewee: Fold poul1244: Raise 1.10 Ono R.: Call 1.10 Widra: Fold impiMike: Fold karayel: Fold pepsi444: Call 1.10 Telepee: Raise 5.00 poul1244: Call 5.00 Ono R.: Call 5.00 pepsi444: All in Flop (Board: 9s, 6d, 4s): Telepee: Bet 5.00 poul1244: All in Ono R.: All in Turn (Board: 9s, 6d, 4s, 5h): River (Board: 9s, 6d, 4s, 5h, Kc): Showdown: Telepee shows: Qh, Qd (a pair of Queens) Ono R. shows: Qc, Ad (high card, Ace) Sidepot 3: Telepee wins the pot of 1.98 with a pair of Queens poul1244 shows: Jh, 10h (high card, King) Sidepot 2: Telepee wins the pot of 13.23 with a pair of Queens pepsi444 shows: 6c, Ac (a pair of Sixes) Mainpot: Telepee wins the pot of 11.75 with a pair of Queens (1.40 rake were taken for this hand)

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Re: Sporting Odds Muppets Afraid to admit to this but one of these muppets have just taken me for a tidy little sum!:@ Playing on the same tables as Gaf mentions with just over $26. I've been playing pretty tight and am shocked by the general standard of play. I get a big hand KK and raise it up to 0.80. 3 people call and 1 raises to $1.50. This was where I probably made my mistake, instead of reraising I simply called as did 2 of the other players. Flop comes 2 4 9 rainbow. I bet 2.50 hoping just to take the pot there and then. 2 drop out and it comes back to the reraiser. He pauses and then goes all in for $14. Obviously I'm worried about trips but why reraise with a small pair, so I call hoping to see a higher pair than the board or maybe AK. The turn and river are irrelevant - he turns over 2 pair 9's and 2's. Needless to say I am :@ and want to do this to my opponent:wall I don't understand the play made by these people. Reraising someone playing tight with pure junk. Sorry to go on, maybe I should have just thrown the hand away but had to whinge to someone before I head off to bed. I will have my revenge on these muppets, oh yes. By the way if someone can let me know how to show the hand history like in Gaf's example I would appreciate it.

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Re: Sporting Odds Muppets Don't worry Doddsy - he'll give it back to you with interest!!! The hand history is bizarely placed (and pretty poor - only 5 hands and it doesn't record anything from where you fold). From a table (any table, you can just be an observer), select Live Help, then Hand History/Open. The thing that cracks me up, is that they'll make a play like that, and when they go on to lose they'll say something along the lines of "ffs, that proves this site is rigged" - muppets, they might hit lucky occasionally, but in the long run they'll get what they deserve. I make little attempt to read them (you can't) and just play my cards......

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