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25k Freeroll tonight


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Re: 25k Freeroll tonight

currently 20th out of 48 :ok ..................... we've done not bad considering there were over 3000 started :D
and we've been distracted elsewhere........ this is looking by far my best nights poker.......... I'm on 61k - 29th (out of 43) :cow :nana
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Re: 25k Freeroll tonight Damn - down to 2,600 (Blinds are 10,000 and I'm next) Went all in with A8s, and was called, but only cos he had AA :lol - a little bit of hope - flopped 7,9,10 - but didn't come..... Out surely in the next 2 hands.....36th....

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Re: 25k Freeroll tonight my last hand Game ID 529135995 starting - 2005-10-06 22:37:44 ** $25 000 Freeroll!:Table 164 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (12000.00|24000.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - Shrfn sitting in seat 1 with $240912.00 [Dealer] - Punkrock_kid sitting in seat 2 with $133446.00 - jax1000 sitting in seat 3 with $96007.48 - Kevboy sitting in seat 4 with $43910.00 - dulfaren sitting in seat 5 with $210967.78 - Kesy sitting in seat 6 with $113090.16 - mpowell sitting in seat 7 with $223307.36 - McThomaz sitting in seat 8 with $88862.00 - loco123 sitting in seat 9 with $183019.68 - looser93 sitting in seat 10 with $117415.00 Punkrock_kid posted the small blind - $6000.00 jax1000 posted the big blind - $12000.00 ** Dealing card to jax1000: King of Clubs, King of Diamonds Kevboy folded dulfaren raised - $36000.00 Kesy folded mpowell folded McThomaz folded loco123 folded looser93 folded Shrfn folded Punkrock_kid raised - $60000.00 jax1000 went all-in - $96007.48 dulfaren folded Punkrock_kid called - $108007.48 Punkrock_kid shows: 8 of Hearts, Ace of Hearts ** Dealing the flop: 8 of Spades, 8 of Clubs, 7 of Hearts ** Dealing the turn: 6 of Diamonds ** Dealing the river: 5 of Clubs Punkrock_kid wins $252014.96 from the main pot End of game 529135995

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Re: 25k Freeroll tonight Since i had a good result (and payday) in the other tournament i can afford to be a bit more philosophical about it ;) I'm also really happy with how i played tonight .......................... probably some of the best poker i have ever played in MTT's. Playing the 2 tournaments actually helped (mostly anyway), as i didn't end up playing cards i shouldn't have. Come to think of it i was actually playing a cash table as well until i started doing well in both tournaments and decided to take them more seriously:lol Overall i didn't do too much wrong, (though i did win a couple of hands when i was an underdog against shorter stacks) and i would play the same way on the final hand every time, so i have no regrets:ok Oh and a big thanks to Guesswest for pointing out the nordic bet freeroll ............. I would never have opened an account and played if you hadn't pointed it out :clap :clap :clap .............and thanks again to GAF for mentioning the Sporting odds raked hands freeroll. :clap :clap :clap

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Re: 25k Freeroll tonight

Oh and a big thanks to Guesswest for pointing out the nordic bet freeroll ............. I would never have opened an account and played if you hadn't pointed it out :clap :clap :clap
Yeah, cheers mate - I'd never heard of them before you mentioned them - so I've got you to thank :ok
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Re: 25k Freeroll tonight

Well done' date=' both. I get confused enough playing just one table, so I don't know how you both managed to play such good poker in two tournaments at the same time.[/quote']I usually play 2 or 3 games on the 1 screen ........................... i just move the tables to different corners of the screen, and they overlap a bit in the middle happy.gif .................. works for me anyway laugh4.gif. Its actually not too hard playing 2 tables at the same time as you don't usually have good enough starting hands to play 2 hands at the same time................... though inevitably there will be times when you get good cards on both tables and end up playing a hand on each table simultaniously, ....................in which case you just have to take advantage of the time bank wink2.gif
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Re: 25k Freeroll tonight

though inevitably there will be times when you get good cards on both tables and end up playing a hand on each table simultaniously
That reminds me - at one point last night I had 3 consecutive hands that got AA (two on one site, and one on the other) - so I was playing AA on 2 different sites at the same time - I definitely didn't get my value out of them. Playing multiple tables isn't a problem if you play your cards (and if you play TAG), however you definitely lose some insight into your opponents......but it can help by giving you more patience.....
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