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Pacific poker Problems.....


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My mate (honest) tried to deposit $20.00 into his account last week but it got rejected, "thats strange he thought" as he had plenty of money in his account....so he tried again and again it got refused. Thinking nothing more of it he left it at that. He's just got of the phone to me to say that Pacific poker did indeed take $40.00 of his money without it showing up on his poker account, this has caused him no end of problems with his bank. Pacific are now stalling on his re-payment as he has been asked to present his bank statements, which is ridiculous. Just thought I'd share with you that Pacific seem to be having problems with their software. Crappy site anyway.

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Re: Pacific poker Problems..... Heres a copy of the e-mail my mate has sent to pacific.

3 October 2005 Dear sir, I am writing to complain about the unauthorised debiting of funds from my bank account. On 27th September I decided to deposit $20 from my bank account to my poker account . I only wished to deposit $20 as I knew more would take me over my overdraft limit thus incurring a charge from my bank. I entered my card details and was bemused to see my card being rejected. I reentered my card details in case I had mistyped them, the card was rejected again so I left it at that. This rejection was confrimed by an email from yourselves which is pasted on at the bottom of this message. My balance on your site remained unchanged at $0.22. Imagine my annoyance when I checked my bank account on Friday to find that you HAD debited from my account the sum of $40 (£23.14), this had taken me over my overdraft facility and incurred a £25 charge! I phoned you on Friday and was told that, although it was obvious that you had taken the money erroneously, the onus was now on me to obtain bank statements and fax them to you as proof! This incident has, so far cost me the following: Debit by yourselves £23.14 Bank Charge £25.00 Bus fares to and from bank £ 2.00 Loss of earnings due to leaving work early to visit bank £15.00 total £65.14 So, as you can see, my attempt to deposit £11.57 has, in fact, cost me over £65, and my poker account was never credited! I hardly need to tell you how disgusted I am with your inept service. I do not think it unreasonable to expect my bank account to be credited with the above sum as soon as possible. I have obtained a statement from my bank detailing my costs incurred, I cannot prove my other, surely obvious, expenses but I trust you to rely on my integerity - I am not trying to cheat you. To be perfectly honest, I find the removal of funds from my account tantrarmount to theft. Such was my annoyance that I have posted a comment on the Punters' Lounge website which many people have already viewed and some have begun to report similar incidents. :ol('http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?p%3d275371%23post275371')'>http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?p=275371#post275371 In addition to this, I intend to display this letter on the Punters' Lounge website as well as forwrding it to Inside Edge Magazine. I feel it is only fair that others learn of this incident. I do, however, intend to publish your reply, whatever the content, on the website and forward it to the magazine. I look forward to a swift and satisfactory resolution to this matter. yours sincerely ****** Dear MR Thank you for choosing Pacific Poker. Your Credit/Debit Card issuer has chosen not to accept your Deposit for: $20. Pacific Poker offers a variety of additional secure and easy Deposit methods such as Checking account, Visa, MasterCard, Diner's Club Card, and various E-Wallets. To learn more, please go to: :ol('https://cashier.pacificpoker.com/')'>https://cashier.pacificpoker.com.
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Re: Pacific poker Problems..... Cheers Valiant, I really hope my mate gets some kind of result, the fact that he has also got a letter from Barclays stating that the transaction did take him over his limit and cost him £25.00 should stand him in good stead.

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Re: Pacific poker Problems..... The saga continues...after finally getting the correct fax number from customer service (2 seperate phonecalls) they are now in full possession of all the relevant documentation from the bank. My mate has had an automatic response to his original mail but nothing else as yet.

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Re: Pacific poker Problems..... these are the the responses so far: Dear Member, Thank you for contacting Pacific Poker. This is an auto response to confirm that we have received your email. Our Customer Service Team will reply to your question personally and with individual attention. We do our best to reply within 48 hours but during peak times, this may take longer. If you resolve your issue before receiving our reply, please resend your email with the word SOLVED in the subject line. This helps us get to customers who still need help faster. If you are not already using the ?CONTACT US? feature in our website www.pacificpoker.com we strongly recommend that you utilize this option. This will ensure that we receive all necessary details to enable us to assist you in the most efficient manner possible, without the need for further correspondence or multiple email queries. We appreciate your patience and thank you for choosing Pacific Poker. Sincerely, Thomas Barnes Member Support Manager Pacific Poker Dear ****, Thank you for contacting us with this matter. ****, at present I can see that your email is currently awaiting the attention of the department that deal with such instances as this. They will perform their investigation carefully and contact you back within the next 24 hours. It will be however, a great help is you could provide us with a bank statement highlighting the suspected discrepancies. I thank you in advance for your time and patience and I hope that you will soon have this matter resolved. Kind regards, Michelle.G Member Support Representative Pacific Poker [email protected] That makes it 8 days now that they have been in posossion of my mate's money! Wish I could steal off someone and then make them justify returning their money...

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Re: Pacific poker Problems..... Just to update...PP said they didn't like the statement my mate obtained from hhis bank (which was accompanied by a headed letter from the bank!), and now want to see a complete statement ...ie they want to see ALL of his finanacial dealings! There is now a standoff as he refuses to provide this. However....he does have Inside Edge on his side!

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Re: Pacific poker Problems..... I used Pacific for a while playing with my free $10.00 and got up to $120.00then all the games changed and it became much more difficult to win and the number of straights made on the river was ridiculous!!! Bad beats all over the place...............so i took all my cash out and play at Laddies now;) .Took 5 days for the money to register back in my bank. Pacific suck now they used to be ok .:moon

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