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Friday 23rd September - 8pm - League Game 7


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Re: Friday 23rd September - 8pm - League Game 7 Great report - sorry about my performance, but I'll be back. Anyway, managed to win a $5 10 seater after getting knocked out so got my stake back! Mind you, I'm still on and look like giving it away again. Roll on the next one and well done for organising it GAF - taking up loads of your time but your efforts are well appreciated, cheers!

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Re: Friday 23rd September - 8pm - League Game 7

Well I was watching from afar (the other table) - I thought you were behind until the split ...... but I stand corrected - sorry mate......
No problem. Just checked the hand history. I had AJo, CJB had A7o. Flop was AQ8. Turn was another A (no flush chances). River was an 8, making a full house for both of us. cry.gif As I said in chat: `"I claimed the bounty on the head of the man who claimed the bounty on my brother." Sounds like a spaghetti western.' But even better ... "But in doing so I killed my brother." That sounds like a pretty good spaghetti western. I wouldn't mind seeing that. Anyway, very enjoyable game, as always.
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Re: Friday 23rd September - 8pm - League Game 7 Winning hand was 88 vs 44.

Mr M goes on major tilt, but is fortunate enough not to have any coppers left to lose......It's 4th Place and goodnight from Mr M.
:lol Its ok to go on tilt when you aint got no chips! Extra annoying when its out in 4th. Missing out on 6 vital points and $28 :dude Old Brael was frail and only had 2 big blinds left give or take. Congrats to Son of Jorel aka sheedy freekick aka my Bro :clap Jezza really needs to get himself back in PL to put us to shame, im not having no excuses about him missing games as to why he didnt win the league! :tongue2
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Re: Friday 23rd September - 8pm - League Game 7 An interesting challenge was thrown down at the end there - not sure if you were still about MrM - a "brothers" match - yourself and Sheedy v Norfolk and Kip - good idea I think and interesting match - not sure where I'd lay my money....... An interesting one to watch......

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Re: Friday 23rd September - 8pm - League Game 7 Nice write up GAF and thanks again for all your hard work in setting this up. Yep the winning hand was 88 vs 44 although the heads-up nearly ended a lot sooner but my 66 failed to hold up against 2 overcards (I was expecting another 6 on the river! ;) ). The 'Brothers' challenge would be cool - and I'd fancy our chances even though I would be handicapped by my brother's desperate all-ins with doomed pocket rockets. :ok See you all for the next one - kill me if you can!! SFK

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Re: Friday 23rd September - 8pm - League Game 7 ok after the last matchday these wre the odds I gave out for a laugh :lol Jezza 4/6 Kip 10/11 GAF 5/2 Norfolk 3/1 Slapdash 5/1 Laidbackbloke 8/1 Cains 8/1 now they change to Norfolk 4/6 Jezza 6/4 Kip 2/1 GAF 5/1 Slapdash 6/1 SonofJorEL 10/1 Laidbackbloke 12/1 Cains 14/1

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Re: Friday 23rd September - 8pm - League Game 7 Well done to sheedy freekick clap.gif Once sheedy gets a decent stack its bloody hard to get any chips off him. There was a hand fairly early on where I was a bit ahead in chips and we both ended up all in - me with JJ v sheedy's KK. After that it was about 75%-25% for quite a while and an uphill battle for me. He played his big stack well and didn't give much away. A 'brothers' match sounds like a good idea to me and should be a laugh.. Thanks again to GAF smile2.gif

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Re: Friday 23rd September - 8pm - League Game 7

An interesting challenge was thrown down at the end there - not sure if you were still about MrM - a "brothers" match - yourself and Sheedy v Norfolk and Kip - good idea I think and interesting match - not sure where I'd lay my money....... An interesting one to watch......
I am well up for this. Its different to your average game of poker. Who is going to arrange the match? Im sure this will bring in the crowds :clap
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Re: Friday 23rd September - 8pm - League Game 7 Im only doing it if people have to pay an entry fee to watch the games. Those are my conditions. If you wanna see MrM dance you gotta pay the band :dude Or maybe we could just let people witness my arse getting kicked for free, either ways fine

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