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Something you don't see everyday..


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First off, good work on the poker section of PL. I've only been playing for a few months but have been reading lots and I'm getting pretty emersed in it all! Reading Dan Harringtons books at the moment. Been playing on betfair and doing okay. Dabbling in low NL cash and STT's. Anyway, this happened to me last night. I doubt it ever will again so I thought I'd share it... a royal flush (_tqb) I wasn't actually sure whether I needed to showdown the hand to get any bonus (wasn't sure there was one either!) - so I just limped it home. Anyway keep up the good work and I'll ------HAND 4------ Game #900839344: Texas Hold'em No Limit (£0.15/£0.25) - 2005/09/15 - 19:20:07 (GMT) Table "Charango" Seat 10 is the button. Seat 1: Jeanf3105 (£20.25 in chips) Seat 2: Frenzy200 (£58.60 in chips) Seat 3: _tqb (£22.55 in chips) Seat 4: azteca (£27.02 in chips) Seat 5: acc1 (£15.30 in chips) Seat 6: Camarche (£19.40 in chips) Seat 7: Mr. Slots (£3.78 in chips) Seat 9: Coolcat14 (£107.97 in chips) Seat 10: QCRuester (£11.50 in chips) Jeanf3105: posts small blind £0.15 Frenzy200: posts big blind £0.25 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to _tqb [Ts As] _tqb: calls £0.25 azteca: calls £0.25 acc1: folds Camarche: folds Mr. Slots: folds Coolcat14: calls £0.25 QCRuester: calls £0.25 Jeanf3105: folds Frenzy200: checks ----- FLOP ----- [Js 2c Ks] Frenzy200: checks midiman joins the table at seat #8 _tqb: checks azteca: checks Coolcat14: checks QCRuester: checks ----- TURN ----- [Js 2c Ks][8s] Frenzy200: checks _tqb: bets £0.25 azteca: calls £0.25 Coolcat14: calls £0.25 QCRuester: folds Frenzy200: folds ----- RIVER ----- [Js 2c Ks 8s][Qs] _tqb: bets £0.25 azteca: calls £0.25 Coolcat14: calls £0.25 ----- SHOW DOWN ----- _tqb: shows [Ts As] (Royal Flush) _tqb wins Royal Flush bonus at table Charango with prize of £75 azteca: mucks hand Coolcat14: mucks hand _tqb collected £2.80 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot £2.90 Main pot £2.80 Rake £0.10 Board [Js 2c Ks 8s Qs] Seat 1: Jeanf3105 (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Frenzy200 (big blind) folded on the Turn Seat 3: _tqb showed [Ts As] and won (£2.80) with Royal Flush Seat 4: azteca mucked Seat 5: acc1 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: Camarche folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: Mr. Slots folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: Coolcat14 mucked Seat 10: QCRuester (button) folded on the Turn

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Re: Something you don't see everyday.. cheers. beer_drink.gif i was. strange feeling. if i'd had my wits about me I would have got a screen shot. would have made nice wallpaper (desktop rather than living room - although now I think of it maybe that'd work too happy.gif )

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Re: Something you don't see everyday.. yeah. i got £75 almost immediately. it's in the hand above. i wasn't sure whether I needed to showdown the hand - so i didn't bet strongly at all. I had the nut flush from the turn so I could easily have bet bigger and never seen the river. Similarly if I'd bet bigger on the river and everyone had folded i still don't know if i'd missed out. as it was I just bet the minimum and it popped up a "Royal Flush Bonus Winner" box in the middle of the screen. Wish I'd got a screen shot but it only occured to me 2hours afterwards!

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