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trash talking- a confession

Bruise Pristene

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I slow played pocket aces last night with two aces in the flop, then went all in on river and won a lot of money, 30$ (by my standards) anyway, one of the guys that went all in with me and lost piped up with "lucky twat" to which I stupidly started replying that I outbet him rather than was lucky, he insulted me I insulted him etc this carried on for a while, to a point where I was playing poker inbetween "chatting" with him, anyway up came a hand where I had 3,4hearts with KC AS 7H on the flop, I thought I would call a small bet to see if i had a chance of a flush (a not very skillful thought i know), anyway, this bloke started yapping and I was reading as the betting was goin round, . the thing beeped for my turn and I clicked call as I'd planned to. what i didnt realise was that someone had gone all in for 40$ while i was distracted by chat. he was holding KA and I never would hve called that all in had i been fully paying attention, because I would have obviously thought he had something better than me :puke it took me a month of low level playing to build up that stash from my original $10.:puke so a word of warning, DONT EVER GET CAUGHT UP IN TRASH TALKING :cry

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Re: trash talking- a confession Ouch I too have fallen for this trap and its was painful as I knew I had been duped. For a while I played with the chat off but somehow I was conscious of this and started to wonder what they were saying so I turned it back on. I knew it was a weakness I had to address so I decided then just to agree with people who insulted me. Sometimes I just type "ty" and if they continue say something like "coming from you its a compliment" and then leave it. Once someone told me he hoped I'd get run over by a bus and I replied that if I was I hoped he'd be driving it. Now I find that when I'm playing well I just don't notice the chat - I'm too focused on watching what is going on. The chat serves little function in internet play unlike in live play where what people say and how they say it give tells. Keep playing and keep the chat on and you will soon learn to deal with it.

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Re: trash talking- a confession Very unfortunate, Bruise. :( I used to enjoy having the chat on, but I found it put me off my game. Now I only have it on during 'coffee-breaks'. I have managed, at one really good-natured table on BetFred, to get other players 'singing' "Wonderwall". That was truly funny. Also had other good chats too, with people you'd never get a chance to ordinarily. But, the constant 'w pl' off players (generally women :eyes) when they have been truly lucky (not like you) has started to get on my nerves, and since jamiebhoy hit his big win I've tried playing with chat off and my game has improved- not a lot, mind. ;) live n learn bruise, you're only a fool if you don't. Chin up.

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Re: trash talking- a confession I love the chat. It's great. I love pissing people off. It makes them want to take me out. It means when I do my normal all in they call, and I like it. I like having everyone hate me (you been watching me?;)) and knocking them out, one by one. I also like going mental when I get beaten by crap and end up short stacked. I go on and on and on until I get a monster and when I go all in some idiot will think I'm tiliting and call with K6 whatever. If it wasn't for chat my game would be awful and I'd never get anywhere, proper poker is too hard:o.

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Re: trash talking- a confession

I'm another one that turns the chat off. Cant be bothered with halfwits talking rubbish. Every man to there own though, whatever works I suppose. I used to get grief from the odd Rangers fan due to my username. Chat off, problem solved :D
It was your recent success which changed my mind.
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Re: trash talking- a confession Although I love the idea of everbody singing as expressed by valliant. Tonight on a MTT on betfair I started "singing" help by the beatles and it set the tone for absolutely the beat mtt I have ever played with a few people joining in the fun. Even when tables got balanced the new comers said what a change it was to the normal moaning on the chat threads

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Re: trash talking- a confession Like I said earlier, playing football I LOVE trash-talking, but think about how you made people 'comfy' when you started 'singing'. What would happen if you stepped it up, and started getting nasty with the stacks whilst singing a happy tune. By 'singing' your giving a misleading (hopefully) tell. You're not bothered, not concentrating, and having fun.....but are you what you seem? Some of the best battles on the pitch that I've had is with real hard men. I've stood my nose to their navel and threatened to rip their head off. Then minutes later I'm blowing then kisses (true I'm afraid :o). Then at the final whistle I'm the perfect gentleman, and congratulate or commiserate. What you put in your first thread was very good, reminds me of a friend of mine, but it still has the same effect. By the end they'll be :wall:wall:wall:wall:wall

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Re: trash talking- a confession CJB, I don't think you can compare the faceless chat online to the patter in a live game. I suspect some of the gibbers online wouldn't have the balls to open there trap at a real table. Anyway, If you curse and swear at a table in a casino you'll be escorted to the door head first.

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Re: trash talking- a confession I was playing a 420 person tourny at Sporting Odds lastnight (finished 12th :ok ) and I was playing at the most disgusting table for most of the tourny. It was so bladdy polite it made me sick, we even had a saffa on the table who was slow playing so the short stacked people on the table could limp into the money - I am sick to the back teeth of "ty" "thx" "wp" "wd" "gg" it felt like I was playing bingo in an old folks home. I even got stick for trying to bully the short-stackers. it did tilt me though :wall and ended up going all in on a bladdy A7o and finishing just outside the real money.

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