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First Live Experience


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Ive just got back from my first live game. Our local dog track(Harlow) hired out the room to Jenningspoker on a trial basis. Buyin was £20 with rebuys and add on but if you bought the ticket in advance the original buyin was only £10. Around 70 odd entrants and after rebuys and add ons the prize pool was £2520. £500 went to paying the dealers leaving a total pool of £2020. Prizes paid out for the top 9. Started with 1000 chips and by the end of the first hour was on 2700. I hadnt had to rebuy at all so decided to buy an extra 2000 chips for £20 at the end of the hour. I managed to make it to the final table(9 people) in 8th position with 9000 chips. Won a few small hands but not much and soon found myself with 6000 with the blinds standing at that and only 2 hands away.(7 players left by now) I got dealt K9 and went all in. I was checked by the big blind holding Q 10. Hit an 9 on the flop and doubled up. Won a few more hands and found myself in the last four. Blinds 12,000 + 6,000, on the small blind I get dealt K8. Fold, fold,I call and the big blind checks. Flop comes K 10 2. I raise 12,000(about half my stack) and the big blind pushes all in. Now I figure he'd raise pre flop with a decent pair or an ace so I figured he may have K with a higher kicker but thats the max. Holding top pair so I call. BB turns over 10 2 and the rest is history. Only thing I can see I could have done different is raised preflop with the K8. Anyway, went out in 4th and got £150 leaving me £120 in profit. All in all a great night and would definatly do it again, simply made sweeter by winning some cash. In fact they're holding them Wednesdays and Thursdays so we may go back next Wednesday.

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Re: First Live Experience I did see less flops personally but I dont know if that was just because I played tighter not wanting to go out right at the start, being my first time. 1st two levels were both 30mins and then 20min levels after that. I originally thought that was long, being used to 10 min levels, but you see far fewer hands playing live so you need the levels to be longer.

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Re: First Live Experience Congratulations WFTE - excellent result for your first live experience :clap Yes I definetly would have raised your K8 preflop just to try and steal the blind but the guy still might have called (depending on the raise of course). I keep meaning to try playing live but seem to be too busy playing on t'internet!

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